TGV/6KW Dampfgenerator (6 kW)
It is an electrically heated steam generator (6 kW electric resistance). The resistor has an internal thermostat at 150ºC.
A steam generator is an assembly or system formed by its boiler and its accessories, designed to transform a liquid into steam, at temperature and pressure different from that of the atmosphere.
Its function is to produce steam to be used in the generation of mechanical and electrical energy, and to feed process equipment. It is generally used in steam turbines to generate steam, usually water vapor, with enough energy to run a turbine in a modified Rankine cycle.
Industrial steam generators are used for many processes in industry, such as generating hot water, bringing liquids to boiling temperature, evaporating products or drying systems, etc.
It is an electrically heated steam generator (6 kW electric resistance). The resistor has an internal thermostat at 150ºC.
This type of generator produces steam for an operating pressure of 0.9 bar, with a maximum pressure of 2 bar.
The maximum operating temperature is 120 ºC, which corresponds to saturated steam at 0.9 bar.
It has the accessories required for a safe operation, such as safety valve, level indicator, pressure switch, level safety.
Dampfgenerator (6 kW) (für hohen Druck und hohe Temperaturen)
Dampfgenerator (18 kW) (für hohen Druck und hohe Temperaturen)
Dampfgenerator (3 kW)
Dampfgenerator (6 kW) (für hohen Druck und hohe Temperaturen)
Dampfgenerator (18 kW) (für hohen Druck und hohe Temperaturen)
Water Heater Module
Gerät für die Umlaufkühlung oder -heizung von Wasser
Fortschrittliches Gerät für die Umlaufkühlung oder -heizung von Wasser
Wartungs-Kit mit Druckluftpumpe, Rohren und Manometern
Wartungs-Kit mit Leckdetektor
Wartungs-Kit mit Erholungs-Evakuierungs- und Füllmodul
Gerät für einen leisen Luftkompressor
Gerät für eine Hydraulikgruppe
Gerät zur Vakuumerzeugung für korrosive Gase