LIMEBA Integriertes Labor für Grundlagen der Mechanik
The Integrated Basic Mechanics Laboratory, "LIMEBA," designed by EDIBON, allows for the construction of various experiments on the base panel, where length measurements are possible thanks to the distance between the centers of the perforations made on the panel.
The Integrated Basic Mechanics Laboratory, "LIMEBA," designed by EDIBON, allows for the construction of various experiments on the base panel, where length measurements are possible thanks to the distance between the centers of the perforations made on the panel.
Each of these sets consists of the necessary elements to conduct a specific group of experiments or practices. The student will construct the various experiments on the base panel, where length measurements are possible thanks to the distance between the centers of the perforations on the panel.
Each set is made up of different elements for experiments and is arranged in a high-quality case. The elements of each set are manufactured from special anodized aluminum, with high quality and precision to achieve 100 % accuracy in the execution of the practices.
The manuals include lab sheets for the experiments, listing the necessary elements for each experiment and indicating the correct position of each element on the base panel. These sheets also guide us when conducting experiments or practices and are used to record results.
Thanks to the possibilities offered in this catalog, different combinations can be selected depending on the experiments to be performed. It is essential to always have "MECA/EC," Panel and Case of Common Elements for LIMEBA, as it is the support structure where the elements of the sets are mounted for conducting experiments and practices.
Experimente zur Statik
Experimente zu Hebemechanismen für Lasten
Experimente zu Getrieben
Experimente zur Dynamik
Experimente zur Reibung
Experimente zu speziellen Mechanismen
Tafel und Koffer mit gemeinsamen Elementen für LIMEBA
Experimente zur Statik
Experimente zu Hebemechanismen für Lasten
Experimente zu Getrieben
Experimente zur Dynamik
Experimente zur Reibung
Experimente zu speziellen Mechanismen