AV-SCS Automotive Starting and Charging Systems Unit



The Automotive Starting and Charging Systems unit, "AV-SCS", has been designed by EDIBON to provide theoretical and practical trainingin the field of electrical starting and charging systems for motor vehicles.

See general description


General Description

The Automotive Starting and Charging Systems unit, "AV-SCS", has been designed by EDIBON to provide theoretical and practical trainingin the field of electrical starting and charging systems for motor vehicles. This unit aims to provide students with the basic skills andknowledge required to understand the electrical starting system of a vehicle as well as the identification of every part of it.

For this purpose, the operating principles of a DC starter motor, ignition switch, solenoid relay, battery charging circuit, battery, andalternator, are explained in a theoretical and practical manner. In particular, an explanation of the various circuits that are energizedaccording to the position of the ignition key of the vehicle. According to the position of this key, different situations can be studied: the firstposition activates the power supply of the vehicle, the second position activates the starting sequence of the vehicle (preheating) along withthe correct position of the park/neutral switch, and the third position energizes the solenoid which will activate the DC starter motor.

TheDC starter motor will then move an electric motor (a combustion engine simulation). The alternator is coupled to this engine and is oneof the critical parts of the electrical system of the vehicle, since it will provide power to it. Then, the student will be able to verify the correctbattery charge and test the most important electrical points of the starting system of the vehicle.

The "AV-SCS" unit includes the following components:

  • DC starter motor.
  • Starting solenoid.
  • Park/neutral position switch.
  • Run/Start relay.
  • Starting relay.
  • Connectors.
  • 12 VDC battery with accessible terminals (battery points).
  • Fuse block.
  • Ignition key for starting the vehicle (ignition switch).
  • Protection fuse.
  • Alternator.
  • Electric motor for petrol engine simulation.

Exercises and guided practices


  1. Fundamentals of the electrical and electronic circuits of thevehicle involved in the starting system.
  2. Fundamentals of the DC electric motor. Study of the keyparameters by taking measurements at its terminals.
  3. Fundamentals of the alternator. Study of the key parameters bytaking measurements at its terminals.
  4. Fundamentals of the battery, operating principles, types,features and recharging systems.
  5. Fundamentals of the charging circuit, features, physical basis,and components of the alternator.
  6. Fundamentals of the charging circuit and maintenance of avehicle battery.
  7. Identification of the starting system elements of a vehicle.
  8. Study of the park/neutral position switch. Study of its connectionto the solenoid and how it is involved the starting circuit.
  9. Study of the starting solenoid relay. Study of its behavior in thestarter motor coupling.
  10. Study of the ignition switch. Study of the various circuits involvedin every key position.
  11. Study of the operation of the automotive starting system.
  12. Study of the drive circuit of the DC starter motor.



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