Research and innovation with Energy Pilot Plants involve the creation and operation of scaled-down facilities for the development and analysis of energy-related industrial processes, with a special focus on energy efficiency, renewable energies, biofuels, green hydrogen, storage systems, and smart grids. These plants, known as Energy Pilot Plants, play a fundamental role in evaluating the viability and efficiency of new processes and technologies before their large-scale implementation in the energy sector.
View moreThese facilities allow for detailed studies and practical data collection on the performance of energy processes under real conditions, thus promoting innovation in key areas such as energy efficiency and the development of renewable energies. Unlike simulators, Energy Pilot Plants provide precise and specific information on the behavior of energy processes, facilitating informed decision-making and maximizing operational efficiency in the energy sector.
Currently, simulators are available for the study of energy processes. However, simulators do not predict behaviors or obtain data from new energy processes in the same way and do not optimize them. Therefore, having an Energy Pilot Plant related to the study or work process offers numerous advantages in the energy field. This allows for a more detailed and realistic analysis of processes, facilitating the collection of precise data that are essential for informed decision-making and continuous improvement of energy-related industrial processes.
The future of research and innovation with Energy Pilot Plants looks promising, as the demand for efficient and sustainable energy solutions continues to rise. With the continuous development of new technologies and the integration of innovative approaches in the energy sector, Energy Pilot Plants are expected to continue playing a crucial role in the research and development of energy processes in the coming years.
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