AEL-FUSG-N Final User Smart Grid - Net Metering Application
The AEL-FUSG-N is a trainer that reflects actual operations about Net-Metering, auto-consumption and electricity selling.
General Description
The AEL-FUSG-N is a trainer that reflects actual operations about Net-Metering, auto-consumption and electricity selling. For that purpose, this trainer has a synchronous generator that simulates a wind turbine.
The wind turbine will be controlled with a voltage regulator and a prime motor (wind speed). With the voltage regulator the user will control the generation voltage. The prime motor will be controlled through a frequency controller, so the user will control the speed of the generator (generation frequency) and the active power generated.
Besides, a synchronoscope is included to synchronize the generator and the grid. This device lets user to study different actual operations: Net-Metering, Auto-consumption, isolated grid mode, parallel operation mode, etc.
Finally, a network analyzer is included to take readings in different important points. This module let us to measure energy demanded by the loads, energy supplied by the grid, energy supplied by the generator and energy injected by the generator in the grid and the loads. All this maneuvers can be done in real time with the main module, the N-PFD (Power Distribution Module).
Exercises and guided practices
- Synchronization operations of the generator.
- Real time monitoring of local consumptions with induction, resistor or capacitive loads.
- Simulation of renewable energy generation through GeneratorMotor Group.
- Measurement of the energy generated by the Generator-Motor Group.
- Net Metering. Measuring the energy consumed and the energy injected to the grid and, finally, measuring the positive or negative energy balance.
- Measuring of the energy consumption by the loads without generator.
- Measuring the energy consumption by the loads with the generator and the grid controlling the power flows from the generator.
- Net-Metering operations: selling energy to the grid.
Additional practical possibilities:
If the user acquires the AEL-FUSG-M. Final User Smart Grid - Smart Meter Trainer and AEL-FUSG-E. Final User Smart Grid - Smart Energy Trainer, then he can perform, among many others, the following practical exercises:
- Measurement of energy consumption at home or by an industrial consumer and comparison of this measurement with the utility´s register (smart meter).
- Remote scheduling of Smart devices (Smart plug, Smart relays, thermostat, different sensors, etc.) according to the tariff proposed by the utilities.
- Development of switching schemes through the management platform for appliances connected to the smart plugs, smart relays or the thermostat.
- Scheduling the energy consumption for optimal periods of sunlight.
Final User Smart Grid - Smart Meter Application
Final User Smart Grid - Smart Energy Application