TPAP Protection of Drinking Water Training Unit
The Protection of Drinking Water Training Unit, "TPAP", has been designed by EDIBON to study cases in which the drinking water system is contaminated with wastewater. It is specially designed for the training of students in the plumbing sector.
General Description
The Protection of Drinking Water Training Unit, "TPAP", has been designed by EDIBON to study cases in which the drinking water system is contaminated with wastewater. It is specially designed for the training of students in the plumbing sector.
The Protection of Drinking Water Training Unit,"TPAP" simulates a drinking water system of a flour-floor house. The drinking water intake is located in the lowest floor (basement). Water is distributed from there, passes through an industrial meter, where the flow rate is registered, and is directed towards the six outlet valves that lead to three tanks made of PMMA.
The contamination of the drinking water is simulated by a possible pipe fracture or pressure drop, which would cause the backflow of wastewater to the drinking water pipe.
The unit includes: protection devices against wastewater backflow, pipe separators that guarantee that the water entering the system, at 1.5 bar approx., does not go back to the mains, backflow preventers that close the passage of the liquid flowing in one direction completely and allow the passage of the liquid in the other direction, pipe vents to remove air from the pipes, and two drain faucets.
Exercises and guided practices
- Study of a drinking water system.
- Study of the safety and hygiene of drinking water pipes.
- Understanding different safety devices used in drinking water systems.
- Study of the operation of pipe separators.
- Study of the operation of air vents.
- Study of the operation of backflow preventers.
- Study of the protection measures of drinking water systems to prevent wastewater backflow into the drinking water pipe.
Temperature Measurement Training Unit
Assembly and Maintenance in Refrigeration Systems Unit
Computer Controlled Capacity Control and Faults in Refrigeration Systems
Computer Controlled Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Modular Unit
Home Refrigeration Model
Refrigeration System with Refrigeration and Freezing Stage Model
Simple Air Conditioning System Model for Room Cooling
Complete Air Conditioning System Model
Measurement and Regulation Station Unit
Instantaneous Gas Heater Experimentation Unit
Forced Draft Gas Burner Unit