
New installation in Colombia
New installation in Colombia
A new installation has taken place in EDIBON! This time, the whole team moved to Universidad de Santander, Colombia, to install the PEM Fuel Cell Unit and Electrolyzer unit. We only hope to be able to contribute to the continuous learning of the students and teachers on the department of energy and electricity. 
Intercontinental collaboration with the African delegation
Intercontinental collaboration with the African delegation
At Edibon we are continuously generating synergies in relation to #engineering and #education by visiting and receiving colleagues from all over the world. On this occasion, we are honored to receive an African delegation to continue developing common projects that allow the exchange of knowledge and strengthen the collaboration between continents.#DiscoverEdibon
Installation at Buraydah College of Food & Environment Technology
Installation at Buraydah College of Food & Environment Technology
EDIBON makes possible the installation of 12 units at Buraydah College of Food & Environment Technology المؤسسة العامة للتدريب التقني و المهني, in Saudi Arabia. Specifically, we have installed the AFT, AUHTC, DSNC, EDLC, EMANC, PADC, SBANC, TGV, TGV-18KWA, TIPL, TIUS and FME00 equipment. We are especially excited to share with you the achievement of this project. Thanks to all the people involved in this installation and to the great...
The islamic community begins ramadan
The islamic community begins ramadan
Our recognition and best wishes to the entire Islamic community that begins the #Ramadan. Empowered by the practice of fasting, time to deepen ones self-knowledge and purify the spirit as a memorial in the month when the sacred #Koran was revealed.#رَمَضَان #Ramadan2019 #Muslim 
Installation in Jordan (EEEC)
Installation in Jordan (EEEC)
We have been in Jordan to install the Computer Controlled Wind Energy Unit #EEEC and the Computer Controlled Thermal Solar Energy Unit #EESTC at Al Hussein Technical University جامعة الحسين التقنية. Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. We want these equipments to help future engineers achieve their objetives. 
Computer Controlled Batch Solvent Extraction and Desolventising Unit
Computer Controlled Batch Solvent Extraction and Desolventising Unit
Solvent extraction, is a process to extract oil from materials through solvents. The Computer Controlled Batch Solvent Extraction and Desolventising Unit "QEDC" is a batch process unit able to perform different solid/ liquid extractions. If you want to know more about this unit, click here #DiscoverEdibon
Europe Day 2019
Europe Day 2019
Happy #EuropeDay to all European nations! Good time to value and celebrate the #EU motto ‘united in diversity’, with respect and determination to strengthen this great common project.#DiscoverEdibon #DíaDeEuropa#JourneeDelEurope #FetedelEurope #EuropaTag#EuropeDay2019
Interactive Computer Aided Instruction Software System
Interactive Computer Aided Instruction Software System
Edibon equipment can be complemented with expansions for better performance and deeper learning. ICAI incorporates E-Learning into the curriculum in response to one of the instructors main tasks, providing the students the right tools to learn by themselves in the most efficient and painless way. This expansion helps both the teacher and the students. Learn more here:
XXIV edition of the Student’s Fair hosted by Universidad de Sevilla
XXIV edition of the Student’s Fair hosted by Universidad de Sevilla
Edibon participates in the XXIV edition of the Student’s Fair hosted by Universidad de Sevilla, contributing with our units to facilitate the understanding of practical #engineering. This is the place where the next university students will decide about their professional future and we want to help them to make easier the difficult decision that they have ahead. 
New Expansion (EMSK)
New Expansion (EMSK)
The EDIBON Electrical and Electronic Circuit Simulation Software Development KIT (EMSK) is a software package, based on the NI environment Multisim™, available as an optional element for some EDIBON TECHNICAL DIDACTIC EQUIPMENT.It consists of a set of simulated electronic circuits aimed at users who need to start in the fields of design, prototyping and virtual testing of electronic circuits. If you want to know more about this expansion,...
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