
49TH North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2017)
49TH North American Power Symposium (NAPS 2017)
Please, visit our stand. September, 17-19th 2017 West Virginia University, Morgantown WV (USA) Click for more information  
Annual Seminar on Automation, Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation (SAAEI 2017), Valencia (SPAIN)
Annual Seminar on Automation, Industrial Electronics and Instrumentation (SAAEI 2017), Valencia (SPAIN)
Please, visit our stand. July, 5-7th 2017 Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería (Univ. de Valencia) Burjassot, Valencia (SPAIN) Click for more information
High Impact Technology Exchange Conference (HI-TEC 2017)
High Impact Technology Exchange Conference (HI-TEC 2017)
Please, visit our booth 200.  July, 19 - 20th 2017 The Grand America Hotel, Salt Lake City, UT (USA)  Click for more information  
NEW INSTALLATION AND TRAINING: Université Kasdi Merbah Ouargla (UKMO).
NEW INSTALLATION AND TRAINING: Université Kasdi Merbah Ouargla (UKMO).
Place: Ouargla, Algeria. Department of Renewable Energies Date of installation: May, 2017 Click to see pictures      
NI WEEK 2017
NI WEEK 2017
EDIBON is currently taking part in NIWeek 2017 (National Instruments Week 2017), taking place in Austin Convention Center, Austin (Texas). 23-25 May 2017 Click to see more information    
EDIBON Case study: "Development of Systems for Technical Training in the Process Control Field"
EDIBON Case study: "Development of Systems for Technical Training in the Process Control Field"
Training new generations in the field of process control engineering, both to study its principles and to identify the latest techniques and technologies applied at the industrial level. Developing three modular systems to study metering systems and control algorithms, the tuning and testing of industrial controllers by the hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulation, and the analysis of real systems, such as industrial process control plants,...
10th edition of National Congress Engineering Thermodynamics (CNIT)
10th edition of National Congress Engineering Thermodynamics (CNIT)
Please, visit our table #3. 28-30 June 2017 Universidad de Lleida (UdL) Carrer de Jaume II, 67 - 25001 Lleida, Spain Click for more information    
EDIBON Case study:  "Software development kit to start with LabVIEW using technical teaching equipment"
EDIBON Case study: "Software development kit to start with LabVIEW using technical teaching equipment"
Developing a set of open libraries and a variety of practical exercises applied to modular systems using the LabVIEW graphical programming language to study the processes described by systems such as cooling towers, chemical reactors, steam turbines, hydrology, and more.
Implementation of SCADA-NET in Universidad Andina del Cusco (UAC), Peru
Implementation of SCADA-NET in Universidad Andina del Cusco (UAC), Peru
The Faculty of Engineering and Architecture (UAC), through the Professional School of Industrial Engineering, managed to acquire the SCADA-NET system, a network process control module of the Spanish company EDIBON, which has 20 computers designed to strengthen the practical skills of students. In 2013, Universidad Andina del Cusco, in its effort to innovate education in practical matters, acquired the first module of control of process...
Case study "Development of systems for technical training in the fields of electricity and energy" published in National Instruments webpage
Case study "Development of systems for technical training in the fields of electricity and energy" published in National Instruments webpage
"LabVIEW scalability allows to reuse 80% of the original code to tackle new applications, shortening testing and approval times to two weeks." - César Bonilla, Edibon International S.A.  Click to see full article
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