NEW Environmental leaflet
With our complete Environmental area, EDIBON gives answer to the academic demand for teaching and learning concepts of Environmental, in an easy and practical way.
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Memahami dan Meningkatkan Sistem Pengolahan Air Minum
Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Sementara pabrik pengolahan air minum berfokus pada penyediaan air minum yang aman, instalasi pengolahan air limbah menangani pengolahan air bekas sebelum(...)
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Penangkapan Udara Langsung: Teknologi Kunci dalam Perang Melawan Perubahan Iklim
Direct Air Capture (DAC) adalah teknologi inovatif yang menghilangkan CO₂ langsung dari udara menggunakan reaksi kimia dengan pelarut cair atau penyerap padat. Meskipun menghadapi tantangan(...)
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EDIBON and its commitment to European Skills
At EDIBON, we are committed to strengthening skills as a strategic pillar for the competitiveness and social well-being of the European Union. Proper training not only boosts the economy but also(...)
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CO₂ adsorption: a current necessity
In a world where climate change represents one of the greatest threats to our future, carbon dioxide (CO2) adsorption has become an urgent priority. The increasing concentration of CO2 in the(...)
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