MEMT Peralatan Modular Tribologi



The Tribology Modular Unit, "MEMT", designed by EDIBON, consists of a base unit with electronic console and a series of experimental units to investigate and visualize tribological phenomena.

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The Tribology Modular Unit, "MEMT", designed by EDIBON, consists of a base unit with electronic console and a series of experimental units to investigate and visualize tribological phenomena.

  • MEMT-UB. Drive Unit for Tribological Tests. This unit is common for the modules type "MEMT". It consists of a base unit and an electronfic console
  • The base unit consists of a drive unit formed by a DC motor with a shaft. The motor is mounted in a reduction gear, obtaining enough torque in the motor for a wide operation range. A force sensor is used to determine the moment of friction and is included in each experimental unit in which it is necessary to measure that friction force. An electronic console allows to adjust the DC motor speed with a potentiometer and the motor direction of rotation, and to show the DC motor speed and the force applied in two digital displays. This unit allows the study of different cases of rolling and sliding friction, and the pressure distribution in a journal bearing. The comprehensive range of units and friction pairings makes possible, among other things, to represent how the friction force is dependent on the contact surfaces except when proper lubrication is used.
  • The different experimental units are quickly and easily mounted and connected to the Drive Unit for Tribological Tests, "MEMT-UB", with electronic console, thanks to quick-clamping elements.

Required elements (at least one) (Not included):

  • MEMT-1. Radial Pressure Distribution in a Journal Bearing. This unit allows the visualization of the radial pressure distribution in a journal bearing with hydrodynamic lubrication.
  • The "MEMT-1" unit consists of a journal bearing with hydrodynamic lubrication, a freely moving bearing housing with thirteen manometric tubes that allow to visualize the radial pressure distribution.
  • The journal bearing movement and the oil film can be seen through a transparent plastic bearing housing. The pressure distribution in the journal bearing is measured by thirteen manometric tubes using the height of each column of liquid
  • The gap width can be adjusted by the movable bearing housing with a micrometer screw.
  • The lubricant that enables the visualization of pressure distribution in the journal bearing is contained in a tank. The distribution of pressure on the journal bearing can be determined at different speeds, loads and bearing gap width.
  • MEMT-2. Dynamic Friction of a Cylinder on a Roller. This unit allows to demonstrate the friction forces between several cylinders of different materials and a roller under different lubrication conditions.
  • The "MEMT-2" unit consists of two levers that transmit a force applied by weights to a test pin to put it in contact with a disc coupled to a motor shaft that allow to demonstrate the friction forces between several friction test pins of different materials and the disc coupled to the motor shaft under different lubrication conditions.
  • Each test pin is made of different material and rubs against the external surface of a rotating steel disc coupled to the motor shaft under different lubrication conditions. There is a lubricant tank underneath the rotating disc.
  • Initially, a point contact is formed, as the wear increases it changes to a surface contact.
  • The speed of the rotating steel disc can be adjusted, and the test pins are loaded using two levers and a set of weights.
  • A force sensor measures the friction forces as a function of the pairs of friction materials, the speed of the rotating disc, the load and the lubrication conditions.
  • MEMT-3. Dynamic Friction of a Pin on a Disc. This unit allows to study the friction forces between several vertical friction pins of different materials and a rotating friction disc.
  • The end of each vertical pin is made of a different material and rubs against the rotating steel disc. The speed of the rotating disc can be adjusted. The contact pressure between the vertical pin and the rotating disc can be adjusted with a lever and a set of weights. The disc is enclosed in an open tank that can be filled with different lubricants. A force sensor measures the friction forces as function of the pairs of friction materials, the speed of the rotating disc, the load and the lubrication conditions.
  • MEMT-4. Rolling Friction in Wheels. This unit allows to determine the slip forces between two rotating friction discs in contact.
  • The slip between the discs is maintained constant by a gearbox. The pressure can be adjusted with a lever and a set of weights. The unit includes a tank for supplying lubricant. A force sensor measures the friction forces as a function of the load, the rotating speed and the lubricant. Several knurled screws enable to change the rotating friction discs easily.
  • MEMT-5. Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication. This unit allows to investigate the thickness and characteristics of a lubricant film on a rolling sphere.
  • The unit consists in a steel sphere and a driven glass disc. The sphere is pressed against the underside of the glass disc. The light from a reflected light microscope passes through the glass disc and the lubricant film at the point of contact, then, it is reflected from the surface of the sphere. The lubricant film thickness is determined visually from the colors of the interference rings produced. The microscope can be adjusted using a movable support, adjustable in x-y and has a focus adjustment. A defined pressure can be applied to the sphere. This pressure can be adjusted with a lever.
  • MEMT-6. Friction Vibration. This unit allows to demonstrate the static friction, the sliding friction, the related friction vibrations and the slip-stick effects.
  • Several weights are placed on a horizontally rotating friction disc. It is prevented from turning by a cord. This cord is coupled to force measuring devices with a force sensor via a tension spring. An open tank surrounds the friction disc to place different lubricants.




Practices to be done with the experimental unit of Radial Pressure Distribution in a Journal Bearing (MEMT-1):

  1. Demonstration and visualization of the radial pressure distribution in a journal bearing with hydrodynamic lubrication.
  2. Investigation of the pressure distribution in the journal bearing depending on the bearing gap width.
  3. Investigation of the pressure distribution in the journal bearing depending on the speed.
  4. Study of the stability limit as a function of the gap width.

Practices to be done with the experimental unit of Dynamic Friction of a Cylinder on a Roller (MEMT-2):

  1. Demonstration of friction forces between several pins of different materials and a rotating friction disc under different lubrication conditions.
  2. Investigation of the friction forces for several pairs of friction materials.
  3. Investigation of the friction forces for different speeds of the rotating disc.
  4. Investigation of the friction forces with several loads.
  5. Investigation of the friction forces for different lubrication conditions.
  6. Study of the wear coefficient for different friction parameters.
  7. Study of the wear and wear rate for different friction parameters.

Practices to be done with the experimental unit of Dynamic Friction of a Pin on a Disc (MEMT-3):

  1. Study of the friction forces between several vertical pins of different materials and a rotating friction disc.
  2. Investigation of the friction forces for several pairs of friction materials.
  3. Investigation of the friction forces for several loads.
  4. Investigation of the friction forces with different lubricants.
  5. Investigation of the friction forces at different speeds of the rotating disc.
  6. Study of the wear for different friction parameters.

Practices to be done with the experimental unit of Rolling Friction in Wheels (MEMT-4):

  1. Determination of the slip forces between two rotating discs in contact.
  2. Investigation of friction forces as a function of the load.
  3. Investigation of friction forces as a function of the operating speed.
  4. Investigation of friction forces as a function of the lubrication.

Practices to be done with the experimental unit of Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication (MEMT-5):

  1. Study of the elastohydrodynamic behavior of a lubricant film between a rolling sphere and a disc.
  2. Determination of the lubricant film thickness at the point of contact between a sphere and a disc.
  3. Comparison of the experimental lubricant film thickness with theoretical values.
  4. Study of the influence of load on the lubricant film thickness.
  5. Study of the influence of speed on the lubricant film thickness.

Practices to be done with the experimental unit of Friction Vibration (MEMT-6):

  1. Demonstration of the transition from static friction to sliding friction.
  2. Study of the influence of lubrication on stick-slip effects.
  3. Study of the influence of the force between the components on the stick-slip effects.
  4. Study of the influence of the relative speed of the components on the stick-slip effects.
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