TTLFC Peralatan Transfer Panas pada Fluidisasi dan Lapisan Fluidisasi, Dikendalikan dari Komputer (PC)
The Computer Controlled Fluidization and Fluid Bed Heat Transfer Unit, "TTLFC", has been designed to provide visual and quantitative results related to the flow of air through a packed bed and a fluidized bed made of granular material. It provides clear experimental possibilities for the research of the heat transfer in a fluidized bed.
The Computer Controlled Fluidization and Fluid Bed Heat Transfer Unit, "TTLFC", has been designed to provide visual and quantitative results related to the flow of air through a packed bed and a fluidized bed made of granular material. It provides clear experimental possibilities for the research of the heat transfer in a fluidized bed.
The main element is a glass chamber, lit from behind, where a granular material is contained. A fluid (air), supplied to the bed through the bottom thanks to a distributor, passes through that material. Nine different distributors are provided so that they can be compared during the process. They have different number of orifices, different sizes of orifices and different distribution of orifices.
Air is expelled through the upper side of the chamber, crossing a filter that removes the particles that may have been dragged by the air when crossing the bed before releasing it to the atmosphere.
When the air speed is slower that the so-called expansion rate, the flow only crosses the fixed bed. When the speeds are faster than that expansion rate, the bed is softened, so that the state of the solid particles change, being suspended and forming a fluidized bed.
To regulate this flow of air the unit has a regulation valve at the inlet and a flow sensor formed by an orifice plate to measure that flow of air.
The chamber of the bed has a heating element for the study of the heat transfer in the fluidized bed, measuring the pressure and temperature of the inlet air, the temperature of the outlet air, the temperature of the fluidized bed, the temperature of the heating element surface and the supplied heating power. Both the temperature sensors of the bed and the heating element as the heating element itself may be vertically displaced, enabling to perform the practical exercises at different heights of the chamber.
The pressure drop in the bed can be determined with a differential pressure sensor.
Two types of granular material of different size are supplied to form the bed.
This Computer Controlled Unit is supplied with the EDIBON Computer Control System (SCADA), and includes: The unit itself + a Control Interface Box + a Data Acquisition Board + Computer Control, Data Acquisition and Data Management Software Packages, for controlling the process and all parameters involved in the process.
- Study of the behavior of particles in a bed when an ascending airflow is applied.
- Study of the particles' segregation into size and density.
- Study of the relation between bed's height, drop of pressure and ascending air's velocity through the particle bed.
- Study of the variation of the heat's transference coefficient in a fluidized bed caused by the effect of the following parameters:
- Superficial velocity.
- Depth of the hot surface in the bed.
- Particle’s granulometry.
- Study of the distributor’s effect on the bed’s behavior.
- Sensors calibration.
- Many students view results simultaneously. To view all results in real time in the classroom by means of a projector or an electronic whiteboard.
- Open Control, Multicontrol and Real Time Control. This unit allows intrinsically and/or extrinsically to change the span, gains, proportional, integral, derivative parameters, etc, in real time.
- The Computer Control System with SCADA and PID Control allow a real industrial simulation.
- This unit is totally safe as uses mechanical, electrical and electronic, and software safety devices.
- This unit can be used for doing applied research.
- This unit can be used for giving training courses to Industries even to other Technical Education Institutions.
- Control of the TTLFC unit process through the control interface box without the computer.
- Visualization of all the sensors values used in the TTLFC unit process.
- By using PLC-PI additional 19 more exercises can be done.
- Several other exercises can be done and designed by the user.
Peralatan Lapisan Tetap dan Berfluidisasi, Dikendalikan dari Komputer (PC)
Peralatan Lapisan Tetap dan Berfluidisasi
Peralatan Transfer Panas pada Fluidisasi dan Lapisan Fluidisasi
Peralatan Studi Fluidisasi dan Permeabilitas, Dikendalikan dari Komputer (PC)
Peralatan Studi Fluidisasi dan Permeabilitas