Instalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah
Sementara pabrik pengolahan air minum berfokus pada penyediaan air minum yang aman, instalasi pengolahan air limbah menangani pengolahan air bekas sebelum dilepaskan kembali ke lingkungan.
Instalasi ini memainkan peran penting dalam melindungi sumber daya air dan...
We want to present the latest installation that we have made in the Chemical Engineering Department of Al-Balqa Applied University Polytechnic (BAU), in Salt (Jordania). It was a pleasure!
We want to present our new installation in the Faculté des Sciences at the Université d’Etat d’Haiti, specifically in the Fluid Mechanics Department. There, we have installed many of our equipment, among which are: AFT, CF80/5 (with CFAS, CFFS, CFPLR, CFPR, CFRM, CFSDL, CFTP, CFTS, CFVD, CFVEN,...
Food Technology is a branch of Food Science based on multidisciplinary knowledge of nutrition, chemical analysis, physics, biochemistry and engineering. Water treatment technologies obtain drinking water, so necessary for our life.
Both disciplines have become in recent years an indispensable...
Due to the growing awareness of environmental problems, not only individuals but also governments and companies have started to develop activities that tend to preserve or limit the damage to the environment. Thus, some disciplines of the environmental science, such as hydrology, hydrogeology,...