TSTCB Seri untuk Studi Transfer Panas



The Heat Transfer Series, "TSTCB", has been designed by EDIBON to study and compare different types of heat transfer on a small scale.

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The Heat Transfer Series, "TSTCB", has been designed by EDIBON to study and compare different types of heat transfer on a small scale.

It allows a wide range of heat transfer demonstrations and study the factors affecting and problems associated with different types of heattransfer.

The minimum supply consists of two main elements: Electronic Console for TSTCB (Common for all "TXC/..B" type modules), "TSTCB/EC",and at least one of the required elements described below.

Each heat transfer module can be individually connected to the Electronic Console for TSTCB (Common for all "TXC/..B" type modules)"TSTCB/EC", which provides the necessary electrical supply and instrumentation connections for the study of the different types of heattransfer.

Elements required (at least one) (Not included):

  • TXC/CLB. Linear Heat Conduction Module for TSTCB.
  • TXC/CRB. Radial Heat Conduction Module for TSTCB.
  • TXC/RCB. Radiation Heat Transfer Module for TSTCB.
  • TXC/CCB. Combined Free and Forced Convection and Radiation Module for TSTCB.
  • TXC/SEB. Extended Surface Heat Transfer Module for TSTCB.
  • TXC/ERB. Radiation Errors in Temperature Measurement Module for TSTCB.
  • TXC/EIB. Unsteady State Heat Transfer Module for TSTCB.
  • TXC/LGB. Thermal Conductivity of Liquids and Gases Module for TSTCB.
  • TXC/FFB. Free and Forced Convection Heat Transfer Module for TSTCB.
  • TXC/TEB. Three Axes Heat Transfer Module for TSTCB.
  • TXC/MMB. Metal to Metal Heat Transfer Module for TSTCB.
  • TXC/TCB. Ceramic Heat Transfer Module for TSTCB.
  • TXC/TIB. Insulating Material Heat Transfer Module for TSTCB.




Practices to be done with the Linear Heat Conduction Module (TXC/CLB):

  1. Conduction through a simple bar.
  2. Conduction through a compound bar.
  3. Determination of the thermal conductivity "k" of different materials (conductors and insulators).
  4. The thermal conductivity properties of insulators may be found by inserting paper or other elements between the heating and cooling sections.
  5. Insulation effect.
  6. Determination of the thermal contact resistance Rtc.
  7. Effect of the crossing sectional area.
  8. Understanding the use of the Fourier equation in determining rate of heat flow through solid materials.

Practices to be done with the Radial Heat Conduction Module (TXC/CRB):

  1. Radial conduction.
  2. Determination of the thermal conductivity "k".
  3. Determination of the thermal contact resistance Rtc.
  4. Insulation effect.
  5. Understanding the use of the Fourier equation in determining rate of heat flow through solid materials.

Practices to be done with the Radiation Heat Transfer Module (TXC/RCB):

  1. Inverse of the distant square law for the radiation.
  2. Stefan Boltzmann Law.
  3. Emission power I.
  4. Emission power II.
  5. Kirchorff Law.
  6. Area factors.
  7. Inverse of the distant square law for the light.
  8. Lambert´s Cosine Law.
  9. Lamberts Law of Absorption.

Practices to be done with the Combined Free and Forced Convection and Radiation Module (TXC/CCB):

  1. Demonstration of the combined heat transfer effect by radiation and convection on the surface of the cylinder. Determination of the combined heat transfer effect by forced convection and radiation.
  2. Demonstration of the influence of air flow in the heat transfer. Determination of the combined heat transfer effect by forced convection and radiation.
  3. Demonstration of the influence of input power in the heat transfer. Determination of the combined heat transfer effect by forced convection and radiation.
  4. Demonstration of the combined heat transfer effect by radiation and convection on the surface of the cylinder. Determination of the combined heat transfer effect by free convection and radiation.
  5. Determination of the airflow.

Practices to be done with the Extended Surface Heat Transfer Module (TXC/SEB):

  1. Heat transfer from a Fin.
  2. Effect of cross section shape in heat transfer from a Fin.
  3. Heat transfer from Fins of two different materials.
  4. Measuring the temperature distribution along an extended surface.

Practices to be done with the Radiation Errors in Temperature Measurement Module (TXC/ERB):

  1. Radiation errors in temperature measurement.
  2. Measurement the errors in thermocouples in function of the painting, material of its capsule, size.
  3. Effect of air velocity on measurement error.

Practices to be done with the Unsteady State Heat Transfer Module (TXC/EIB):

  1. Predicting temperature at the center of a cylinder using transient conduction with convection.
  2. Predicting the conductivity of a similar shape constructed from a different material.
  3. Conductivity and temperature dependence on volume.
  4. Conductivity and temperature dependence on surrounding temperature T .

Practices to be done with the Thermal Conductivity of Liquids and Gases Module (TXC/LGB):

  1. Obtaining of the curve of thermal conductivity of the air.
  2. Thermal conductivity in vacuum.
  3. Water thermal conductivity determination.
  4. Thermal conductivity determination of a mineral oil.
  5. Dry air thermal conductivity under atmospheric pressure.

Practices to be done with the Free and Forced Convection Heat Transfer Module (TXC/FFB):

  1. Demonstration of the basic principles of free and forced convection.
  2. Comparison between free and forced convection.
  3. Free convection in flat surfaces.
  4. Forced convection in flat surfaces.
  5. Dependence of the heat transfer with the temperature.
  6. Dependence of the heat transfer with the speed of the fluid.
  7. Dependence of the heat transfer with the exchanger geometry (finned or pinned surface).
  8. Temperature distribution in the additional surfaces.
  9. Study of the advantage of using pinned and finned surfaces in heat transfer in free convection.
  10. Study of the advantage of using pinned and finned surfaces in heat transfer in forced convection.
  11. Comparative study between the free convection of a horizontal surface and vertical surface.

Practices to be done with the Three Axes Heat Transfer Module (TXC/TEB):

  1. Determination of the thermal conductivity "k".
  2. Conduction through a simple bar.
  3. Conduction through three axes.

Practices to be done with the Metal to Metal Heat Transfer Module (TXC/MMB):

  1. Conduction in a simple bar.
  2. Determination of the thermal conductivity "k".
  3. Determination of the thermal contact resistance.

Practices to be done with the Ceramic Heat Transfer Module (TXC/TCB):

  1. Conduction in a simple bar.
  2. Determination of the thermal conductivity "k".
  3. Conduction through a compound bar.
  4. Determination of the thermal contact resistances.

Practices to be done with the Insulating Material Heat Transfer Module (TXC/TIB):

  1. Determination of the thermal conductivity "k".
  2. Calculation of the heat transfer properties of different specimens.
  3. Conduction through a compound bar.
  4. Insulation effect.
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