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- より高い技術教育
- 2.- 電子工学
- 3.- 通信工学
- 4.- 電気工学
- 5.- エネルギー
- 6.- メカトロニクスと自動化
- 7.- 機械
- 8.- 流体力学
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- 10.- プロセス制御
- 11.- 化学工学
- 12.- 食品&水処理技術
- 13.- 環境
- 14.- 生物医学工学
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Setting up at Faculté des Sciences at the Université d’Etat d’Haiti

We want to present our new installation in the Faculté des Sciences at the Université d’Etat d’Haiti, specifically in the Fluid Mechanics Department. There, we have installed many of our equipment, among which are: AFT, CF80/5 (with CFAS, CFFS, CFPLR, CFPR, CFRM, CFSDL, CFTP, CFTS, CFVD, CFVEN, CFVG accessories), ESED, ESH(2x1m), FME00, FME02, FME12, FME13, FME16, FME18, FME28, FME29, PDFD, PPTAC/1 and SPFB. We are very happy to continue working on projects like this and we hope that students can improve their practical training thanks to these new units. It was a pleasure!
8.1.1.- ベースユニット
The Hydraulics Bench, "FME00", designed by EDIBON, allows the study of fluid behaviour, hydraulic theory and the properties of fluid mechanics.It is formed by a movable hydraulics bench used to hold a wide variety of modules, which allow the...
8.1.6.- 油圧機械: ポンプ
The Series/Parallel Pumps unit, "FME12", designed by EDIBON, allows the study of the coupling between two series/parallel centrifugal pumps, obtaining the characteristic curves as well as the calculation of the water flow rate.The unit consists of...
8.5.- 油圧チャンネル
Channel, through which water flows, of rectangular section with transparent walls that enable to observe all the experiments. Water is taken from the storage tank by means of a hydraulic pump and, by the pipe, it is driven to the inlet tank, where...
8.1.6.- 油圧機械: ポンプ
The Centrifugal Pump Characteristics, "FME13", designed by EDIBON, allows the study of several centrifugal pump characteristics such as efficiency, series/parallel couplings, etc.The unit has a centrifugal pump with similar characteristics to the...
8.1.2.- 測定
The Flow Meter Demonstration, "FME18", designed by EDIBON, allows through 3 different flow measurement accessories: Venturi tube, orifice plate and a variable area meter installed in series in the unit, the study to find the flow rate of the fluid...
11.1.11.- ろ過、 沈降および混合
The Sedimentation Study Unit, "ESED", designed by EDIBON, allows studying and compare the sedimentation processes of several suspensions simultaneously.It is formed by five sedimentation methacrylate cylinders mounted vertically on a panel,...
8.8.- 流体配管システム
The Fluid Friction in Pipes Unit, with Hydraulics Bench (FME00), "AFT", is designed to determine the friction coefficient in pipes of several diameters and roughness, to study the pressure losses in different types of valves and different fittings...
13.1.- 水文地質学と水文地質学
The Hydrological Systems, Rainfall Simulator and Irrigation Systems (2x1 m), "ESH(2x1m)", has been designed by EDIBON to demonstrate some of the physical processes encountered in hydrology and fluvial geomorphology. This includes rainfall...
8.1.2.- 測定
The Flow over Weirs, "FME02", designed by EDIBON, has many elements that are used in combination with the Hydraulics Bench (FME00): A special mouthpiece is coupled to the outlet mouthpiece for water in the Hydraulics Bench (FME00).Two soothing...
8.1.7.- 油圧機械: タービン
With the Kaplan Turbine unit, "FME29", designed by EDIBON, we study the Kaplan turbines commonly used when we have high flow rates but low flow height.This unit consists on a miniature Kaplan turbine. The water inlet flow is controlled by a valve...
8.1.7.- 油圧機械: タービン
The Pelton Turbine unit, "FME16", designed by EDIBON, allows the study of the characteristics of the tangential wheels or pressure turbines commonly used to produce electricity in hydroelectric plants to exploit large hydraulic jumps of low...
13.3.- 廃水処理
Sedimentation, Precipitation and Flocculation Unit
The Sedimentation, Precipitation and Flocculation Unit, "SPFB", has been designed by EDIBON to study the parameters that affect the physicochemical treatment of wastewater for purification. The objective of the unit is to reduce colloidal and...