
Installation at ENI Carthage - Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Carthage
Installation at ENI Carthage - Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Carthage
We are happy to announce that as of today, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Carthage ENICarthage will be able to count on the Energy Power Plant Application team, "AEL-EPP". Thanks to this new technological equipment, students will be able to study the basic operating principles of power plants. We are sure that you will learn a lot.
Installation at Jubai Technical School in Saudi Arabia
Installation at Jubai Technical School in Saudi Arabia
Today we move to the Jubai Technical School in Saudi Arabia where we have carried out the installation of one of our equipment. Students will be able to study the main characteristics of gravity separation thanks to the Computer Controlled Horizontal Three-phase Separator, "HTSC". We are sure that they will learn a lot
Installation at ENSGTI - Ecole Nationale Superieure En Genie Des Technologies Industrielles.
Installation at ENSGTI - Ecole Nationale Superieure En Genie Des Technologies Industrielles.
We are happy to announce a new installation of our Computer Controlled Flow of Compressible Fluids Unit, HFCC, in the Ecole Nationale Superieure En Genie Des Technologies Industrielles, Ensgti . Students will be able to study the variation of pressure and density and the thermodynamics and fluid dynamics characteristics that the fluid has among many other applications. Enjoy it!
Installation at UPC - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Installation at UPC - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
We are pleased to say that as of today the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC will be able to count on the Steam Generator, TGV-6KW and Computer Controlled Steam Turbine, TTVC, equipment for the study of a steam power plant.
World Cancer Day
World Cancer Day
On World Cancer Day we want to strengthen our commitment taking action through Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer for a positive change with the common goal of a cancer-free world. #IAmAndIWill #WorldDayAgainstCancer #DiscoverEdibon
What are DFIGs?
What are DFIGs?
Thanks to the bi-directional inverters (back to back inverters) and the use of double-fed generators, today it is possible to provide greater robustness and reliability to the national electricity grid in the presence of faults. This power in wind generators and parks is known as Fault Ride Through (FRT), and is the ability of wind turbines to remain connected to the grid in the presence of electrical failures causing the voltage drop in the...
Differences between DAS and SCADA in the iIOT
Differences between DAS and SCADA in the iIOT
The evolution of technology and greater access to the Internet has allowed more and more devices connected to the Internet every day. This is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). In addition, if this concept is applied to industrial systems, it is called Industry 4.0 or Industrial Internet of Things.
What is Cloud Learning?
What is Cloud Learning?
The concept of the Cloud over Internet can seem a little confusing but it´s a term that is used in order to describe a connected, distributed and remote global network of servers basically giving rise to a single ecosystem of work.
Installation at University of Sebha
Installation at University of Sebha
Today, we can announce the setting up of a complete installation, including the Linear Heat Conduction Module TXC/CL, TXC/CC, TTEC, MINI-EEE, EEU/20KN or EBVR, among others, at the University of Sebha, in Libya. We are confident that this new equipment will allow students to test empirically the knowledge acquired. Hope you enjoy it!
 V Congress of Teaching Innovation in Chemical Engineering - CIDIQ
V Congress of Teaching Innovation in Chemical Engineering - CIDIQ
On Wednesday began the V Congress of Teaching Innovation in Chemical Engineering, sponsored by EDIBON, to promote the exchange of ideas about the new challenges in the practice of technical teaching with the aspiration to contribute to the optimization of the learning process. Photos: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela