QDTLC コンピューター制御液状物質移動・拡散係数実験装置
The Computer Controlled Liquid Mass Transfer and Diffusion Unit, "QDTLC", is a teaching unit that allows the students to familiarise with the notions of mass transfer theory, specially the diffusion in liquid systems, obtaining experimental data and results which are very useful for an ideal practice understanding of the process and consequently, for the technical teaching of the students.
The Computer Controlled Liquid Mass Transfer and Diffusion Unit, "QDTLC", is a teaching unit that allows the students to familiarise with the notions of mass transfer theory, specially the diffusion in liquid systems, obtaining experimental data and results which are very useful for an ideal practice understanding of the process and consequently, for the technical teaching of the students.
The experimental determination of the diffusion coefficient D for a binary mixture, can be performed with a device such as the one AB described below.
A small volume tube with a filtering cell which has a certain number of pores has been placed at one of its ends. A concentrated solution of salt (sodium chloride) has been introduced inside. The tube is introduced in a vessel with pure solvent (distilled water). Now, the diffusion starts, and it will be indirectly measured by the conductivity data. A thermostatic bath allows us to make the experiments at different temperatures.
- Fick´s law application to calculate the diffusivity.
- Direct measurement of mass transfer rates.
- Determination of molar density rate.
- Effect of concentration of diffusion coefficients.
- Simple analysis of a first order unsteady state process.
- Concentration and conductivity relation.
- Study the temperature effect on diffusion coefficients.
- Sensors calibration.
- Many students view results simultaneously. To view all results in real time in the classroom by means of a projector or an electronic whiteboard.
- Open Control, Multicontrol and Real Time Control. This unit allows intrinsically and/or extrinsically to change the span, gains, proportional, integral, derivative parameters, etc, in real time.
- The Computer Control System with SCADA and PID Control allow a real industrial simulation.
- This unit is totally safe as uses mechanical, electrical and electronic, and software safety devices.
- This unit can be used for doing applied research.
- This unit can be used for giving training courses to Industries even to other Technical Education Institutions.
- Control of the QDTLC unit process through the control interface box without the computer.
- Visualization of all the sensors values used in the QDTLC unit process.
- By using PLC-PI additional 19 more exercises can be done.
- Several other exercises can be done and designed by the user.
