AEL-FUSG-E スマートグリッド(最終ユーザー) - エネルギー管理アプリケーション
Final User Smart Grid - Smart Energy Application, "AEL-FUSG-E", is a trainer that reflects the real operation of actual Home Energy Management Systems.
Final User Smart Grid - Smart Energy Application, "AEL-FUSG-E", is a trainer that reflects the real operation of actual Home Energy Management Systems. The purpose of the "AEL-FUSG-E" trainer is to make the user understand how smart devices work in a smart home or industrial environment, controlling the most significant loads. Through the "AEL-FUSG-E" trainer the user will manage the monitoring, programming of consumptions and visualization of the load profile through smart devices. A great characteristic is that all smart devices use ZigBee communication protocol (wireless communication).
- Studying the energy efficiency increase by using capacitor banks to compensate the reactive power of loads.
- Real time monitoring of local consumptions with induction, resistor or capacitive loads.
- Simulation of different consumptions and scheduling of the Home Energy Management System devices by the final customer.
- Study of the optimal load demand and programming the smart devices according to different programming schemes.
- Controlling and programming the loads maximum accumulated consumption.
- Programming the panel´s inputs and outputs.
- Illumination control.
- Temperature control system.
- Programming the moment of the activating of washing machine.
- Remote scheduling of smart devices (Smart relays, thermostat, different sensors, etc.).
- Developing switching schemes for appliances connected to the smart relays or thermostat with the management platform.
Practical exercises of AEL-FUSG-E trainer with AEL-FUSG-M trainer:
- Measurement of energy consumption at home or by an industrial consumer and comparison of this measurement with the utility´s register (smart meter).
- Simulation of different consuming periods and scheduling of the Home Energy Management System devices.
- Telemetering of the energy consumed by the loads using the data concentrator platform.
スマートグリッド(最終ユーザー) - スマートメーターアプリケーション
スマートグリッド(最終ユーザー) - ネットメータリングアプリケーション
