MCA 4節回転連鎖機構
The Four-Bar Mechanism, "MCA", designed by EDIBON, is a bench-top unit to perform laboratory experiments.
The Four-Bar Mechanism, "MCA", designed by EDIBON, is a bench-top unit to perform laboratory experiments.
It is made of anodized aluminum and consists of two rotary elements (graduated discs) mounted on ball bearings. The discs include a scale to measure the input and output angles accurately with the aid of a methacrylate indicator.
The rotary motion of one of the discs is transferred through the bars and generates the rotary motion of the other disc.
The bars, made of anodized aluminum, can be connected at different lengths using easy to fit knurled bolts.
- To demonstrate the action of a four-bar mechanism with different geometrical arrangements of joints.
- To demonstrate Grashof law.
- To determine graphically the relationship between the angular displacements of the input crank and the output joint of a simple four-bar system.
- To determine the velocity and acceleration of the output joint by graphical differentiation and compared with the values obtained in velocity and acceleration diagrams.