AEL-AD6A 明るさ制御応用
The Luminosity Control Application, "AEL-AD6A" is an application designed to study how a luminosity control application works.
The Luminosity Control Application, "AEL-AD6A" has been designed by EDIBON to study how a luminosity control application works.
This unit consists of different modules such as switches with lights, fluorescent lamps, halogen lamps, presence and movement sensor, etc. These modules allow the students to acquire experience wiring of lighting automation circuits and circuit-switched.
This application has a motion sensor that can be connected to the lighting circuit to realize different automations. Besides, through this unit, the student can study different cabling made in these installations.
- Checking the domestic main power supply.
- Light control from a switch.
- Light control from two devices.
- Control of fluorescent tube with different control circuits.
- Variation of the luminous intensity: halogen and incandescent lamp.
- Switching control of the lamp using a movement sensor.