PSV-PPSS 発電所シミュレーションソフトウェア



To understand the impact of power plants as well as in order to improve its operation, EDIBON has developed a set of SCADA software to simulate power plants, through which teachers, researchers and students will be able to experiment with a wide range of real-life situations.




To understand the impact of power plants as well as in order to improve its operation, EDIBON has developed a set of SCADA software to simulate power plants, through which teachers, researchers and students will be able to experiment with a wide range of real-life situations.

It is possible to pre-configure various types of power plants, modifying parameters such as: waterfalls, dam reserve capacity, types offuel used in gas turbines, environmental conditions, turbine and generator performance, etc. However, what’s new about the simulationsoftware is that it supports with multiple Edibon Smart Grid applications (real hardware), which will respond according to the operation ofeach plant. That’s it, hardware and software come together to achieve a real experience in the management and control of mechanicaland electrical power systems.

As mentioned, it is possible to experiment, for example, with different hydraulic jumps, which cause the variation of water flow needs. It canbe seen how the automatic regulation of the opening of the dam gate is carried out as a function of the electrical torque required by thegenerator in the event of changes in the demand for electrical energy, etc.

  • PSV-HPPS-SOF. Hydroelectric Power Plants Simulator.
  • PSV-GSPP-SOF. Gas Power Plants Simulator.
  • PSV-WPPP-SOF. Wind Powered Power Plants Simulator.
  • PSV-BPP-SOF. Biomass Power Plants Simulator.
  • PSV-GPP-SOF. Geothermal Power Plants Simulator.
  • PSV-HSPP-SOF. Heliothermic Solar Power Plants Simulator.

This simulation software together with EDIBON’s smart grid applications allows to perform the most important operations of real power systems, such as control of turbine speed and synchronous generator voltage, generator coupling manoeuvres with the grid (synchronization), island mode operations with the synchronous generator, measurements of current and voltage values at different points of the power system, display of power curves, etc.



