EPAB 昇膜蒸発器


Unit: EPAB. Rising Film Evaporator.


The Rising Film Evaporator, "EPAB", has been designed by EDIBON to study the operating processes of a rising film evaporator. It allows the monitoring of all the variables for a complete study of the process according to the working conditions and to investigate the effects of the variation of process parameters such as: vacuum, temperature, flow, etc. in the rising film evaporation.




The objective of evaporation is to concentrate a non-volatile solute, carrying out the elimination of a volatile compound. Water is the volatile compound used in most evaporations.

Basically, the unit consists of the following circuits:

  • The feed circuit that consists on a feed pump that introduces the product in a double jacket column, which has temperature sensors. The product leaves the tank through a cyclone placed at the output of the column and it is collected in a 500 ml graduated vessel. The vessel is also connected to a 10 l tank for the storage of the concentrated product. This last tank is connected to the feed tank for its recirculation.
  • The distillation circuit starts at the top of the column, where a joint with a pressure meter has been assembled. It is also connected to the cyclone to separate the concentrated product and the distilled one that goes through a spiral condenser. The distilled product is stored in a graduated vessel that is connected to a 10 l collection tank. This last one is connected to the feed tank for its recirculation in a continuous process.
  • The steam circuit, introduced in the external jacket of the column, contains a pressure meter for the control of the temperature of steam. This meter is connected to a high-pressure cutout control that opens or closes a control electrovalve for the steam supply.
  • The vacuum circuit consists on a vacuum pump, one trap placed at the output of the condenser and other trap placed at the output of the cyclone.



  1. Determination of the capacity of the evaporator.
  2. Study of the capacity of the evaporator in function of the work conditions.
  3. Study of the relation between condensed product and evaporated product.
  4. Verification of the mass balance over all system.
  5. Study of the mass balance of the solute.
  6. Verification of the mass balance of the water.
  7. Determination of the concentration of a sugared solution.
  8. Calculate the enthalpy of the volatile vapours.
  9. Calculate the mass of steam is used by means of an energy balance calculation.
  10. Determination the economy of evaporator.
  11. Energy balance of the tubular condenser.
  12. Determination of the heat transfer global coefficient.
  13. Determination of the C coefficient for a tubular condenser.
  14. Investigation of effect of varying process parameters such as: vacuum, flow rate, temperature, recycle rate.
  15. Fruit juices and vegetable extracts concentration.
  16. Concentrated milk obtaining.
  17. Determination of the efficiency of the steam generator.




