PDA 에어로빅 반응기 장치


혁신적인 시스템

The objective of the Aerobic Digester, "PDA", is to study and understand aerobic digestion processes and to analyze their main parameters.

일반적인 설명보기

관련 뉴스

일반적인 설명

The objective of the Aerobic Digester, "PDA", is to study and understand aerobic digestion processes and to analyze their main parameters.

The unit consists of a 20 l capacity reactor vessel with a tubular membrane made of plastic inside to separate the sludge. Wastewater to be treated enters the vessels pumped by a peristaltic pump.

This unit includes a thermostatic bath to heat water up to 60ºC. That water is driven by a pump through a coil inside the reactor. A suitable temperature for the microorganisms population employed in the aerobic digestion will be obtained.

The greater amount of oxygen available in the environment in the aerobic digestion, the quicker the bacteria involved in the process will grow. Therefore, a compressor introduces a specific air flow into the reactor through a diffusion plate.

The aerobic reactor includes a portable temperature, pH and dissolved oxygen meter to monitor the digestion.

연습 및 가이드

매뉴얼에 포함 된 가이드 실기 연습

  1. Acclimation of biological samples.
  2. Study of the temperature effect on the effluent quality.
  3. Study of the detention time effect on the effluent quality.
  4. Study of the aireation effect on the effluent quality.
  5. Study of the pH effect on the effluent quality.
  6. Study of the mass load effect on the effluent quality.
  7. Study of the nutrients effect on the effluent quality.
  8. Study of the recirculation effect on the effluent quality.
  9. Establishing the stoichiometry of aerobic processes.
  10. Establishing the kinetics of aerobic processes.
  11. Gas/liquid mass transfer.
  12. Residence time distributions.
  13. Measurement of MLSS and COD changes as criteria of performance.

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