N-M2 교류 회로 모듈 (AC)


혁신적인 시스템

With Alternating Current (AC) Circuits Module, "N-M2", designed by EDIBON, you can start to study the basic principles in alternating current.

일반적인 설명보기

관련 뉴스

일반적인 설명

In contrast to DC, which always has the same direction and sense, in AC the flow of electrons changes direction periodically with a frequency of 50 or 60 Hz (depending on the country).

With Alternating Current (AC) Circuits Module, "N-M2", designed by EDIBON, you can start to study the basic principles in alternating current, such as:

  • Characteristics of alternating signals: study of the different AC waveforms, relations between peak and RMS values for seinodal waves, series and parallel resistors.
  • Characteristics of capacitors and coils in AC: variation of reactance, capacitance and inductance, series/parallel capacitances, study of reactive reactance, etc.
  • Study of basic theorems and capacitive and inductive circuits (impedance and Ohm’s Law, RC series/parallel circuits, RL parallel circuit, etc.).

In addition, faults can be simulated in most of the circuits under study. The student must investigate what is happening in the circuit and why it is not working properly. These faults simulations can be of several types from damage components to a hypothetical incorrect circuit assembly.

연습 및 가이드

매뉴얼에 포함 된 가이드 실기 연습

Alternating signal characteristics. Instruments:

  1. Waveforms study in AC.
  2. Faults study of F1 in the circuit#1 (Waveform circuit).
  3. Faults study of F2 in the circuit#1 (Waveform circuit).
  4. Relation between peak values and RMS for sinusoidal waves.
  5. Resistance in a sinusoidal alternating current.
  6. Measurements using the oscilloscope.
  7. Voltage and current phase angles for resistors in sinusoidal alternating current.
  8. Sinusoidal AC resistors in series.
  9. Sinusoidal AC resistors in parallel.
  10. Theoretical/practical exercises.

Behaviour of AC capacitors and inductors:

  1. Capacitance with square waveform and sinusoidal input current.
  2. Inductance with square waveform and a sinusoidal input voltage.
  3. Reactive reactance, Xc, variations with the frequency.
  4. Faults study in capacitors.
  5. Reactive capacitance variations with the capacitance.
  6. AC capacitors in parallel.
  7. AC capacitors in series.
  8. AC capacitors as voltage dividers.
  9. Inductance in an AC circuit.
  10. Inductive reactance variations with the inductance.
  11. Inductors in series in an AC circuit.
  12. Theoretical/practical exercises.

Basic theorems and capacitance and inductance circuits:

  1. AC Resistor-Capacitor circuits in series.
  2. AC Resistor-Capacitor circuits in parallel.
  3. AC Resistor-Inductor circuits in series.
  4. Study of Fault 1 in the Reactive mixed circuits.
  5. Study of Fault 2 in the Reactive mixed circuits.
  6. AC Resistor-Inductor circuits in parallel.
  7. Theoretical/practical exercises.

RLC Circuits:

  1. Resistance-Capacitance Filters.
  2. Filters inductive resistance.
  3. Theoretical/practical exercises.


  1. AC L-C Circuits in parallel with low impedance source.
  2. Faults study of F1 in the resonance circuit.
  3. Faults study of F2 in the resonance circuit.
  4. AC L-C Circuits in parallel with high impedance source.
  5. Circuit frequency response and bandwidth.
  6. AC R-L-C circuits in series.
  7. Theoretical/practical exercises.

The transformer:

  1. Intermediate Frequency Transformers.
  2. Transformer with load.
  3. Current measurement in the secondary transformer with charge.
  4. Theoretical/practical exercises.

장비로 수행 할 수있는 더 많은 실용적 연습

  1. Several other exercises can be done and designed by the user.

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