M13/KIT 기본 순차 회로 키트
혁신적인 시스템
With Basic Sequential Circuits Kit, "M13/KIT", designed by EDIBON, all types of bistables, counters, flip-flops, synchronous sequential circuits and the operation of memories can be studied.
관련 뉴스
일반적인 설명
With Basic Sequential Circuits Kit, "M13/KIT", designed by EDIBON, all types of bistables, counters, flip-flops, synchronous sequential circuits and the operation of memories can be studied.
연습 및 가이드
매뉴얼에 포함 된 가이드 실기 연습
- Bistables.
- Bistable S-R using NAND gates.
- Practical performance.
- Faults study in the Bistables.
- Theoretical/practical exercises.
Shift registers:
- Shift registers.
- Faults study of the shift registers.
- Theoretical/practical exercises.
- Steps to be followed for the assembly of a counter.
- Faults study of the counters.
- Theoretical/practical exercises.
Synchronous Sequential Circuits:
- Practice of the synchronised.
- Faults study of the Synchronised sequential circuits.
- Theoretical/practical exercises.
- Theoretical/practical exercises.
장비로 수행 할 수있는 더 많은 실용적 연습
- Several other exercises can be done and designed by the user.