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Setting up at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)
✔ Continuous Distillation Unit (UDCB) that it is a powerful laboratory tool for the study of variables affecting the distillation process.
✔ Double Effect Rising Film Evaporator (EDPAB), that allows to observe and control a serial, parallel or double effect evaporation process.
✔ Steam Generator (6 KW) (TGV/6KW), that it is an electrically heated steam generator.
✔ Gas Absorption Column (CAG), that it is a scale unit designed to study hydrodynamic and absorption processes in packed columns.
✔ Service Unit (common for all available reactors type "qr..") (QUS)
✔ Computer Controlled Tubular Flow Reactor for QRC (QRTC)
✔ Stirred Tank Reactors in Series for QR (QRS)
✔ Plug Flow Reactor for QR (QRP)
Our engineers came to the centre to install the equipment and explain how it works to the people responsible for using it.
We hope that this equipment will be of great benefit to the centre.
We look forward to seeing the results!