관련 뉴스

일반적인 설명

The Computer Controlled Corrosion Study Unit, "EECC", allows the corrosion simultaneous study up to eight corrosion cells. This unit allows to study several conditions that influence in the corrosion processes.

Each sample for the test is put in such away that unwanted secondary effects are eliminated.

The cells included a cover to adapt two test sheets, a reference electrode and a gas diffuser tube.

A salt bridge is included for the study and production of electrochemical cells.

It is possible connect the different samples to a computer controlled power supply to study the principle of sacrificial anodes.

The ambient air is introduced into the electrolyte solution with an computer controlled air pump. An air flowmeter is situated at the pump outlet to measure the air flow. There are several air control valves to adjust the air flow rate for each corrosion cell. It is also possible to feed other gases into the electrolyte solution using a gas flowmeter and several gas control valves.

The unit includes a pH sensor to study and compare the influence of the electrolyte solution on the corrosion processes.

The corrosion rate of a certain sample can be measured qualitatively by "visual observation", or quantitatively though "immersion test by initial and final weighing".

This Computer Controlled Unit is supplied with the EDIBON Computer Control System (SCADA), and includes: The unit itself + a Control Interface Box + a Data Acquisition Board + Computer Control, Data Acquisition and Data Management Software Packages, for controlling the process and all parameters involved in the process.

연습 및 가이드

매뉴얼에 포함 된 가이드 실기 연습

  1. Galvanic potentials.
  2. Study of galvanic couples.
  3. Passivation of iron.
  4. Influence of pH.
  5. Aluminum anodizing process.
  6. Cathodic protection.
  7. Galvanic corrosion + oxidation.
  8. Daniell cell construction to obtain standard potentials.
  9. Sensors calibration.

장비로 수행 할 수있는 더 많은 실용적 연습

  1. Influence of the O2 concentration in the corrosion.
  2. Simultaneous study of corrosion in several cells.
  3. Electrolytic corrosion.
  4. Chemical inhibition.
  5. Prevention of scaling.
  6. Effect of internal stress.
  7. Water treatment studies:
  • Calcium carbonate stabilization.
  • Oxidation of iron and manganese in ground waters.
  • Water softening by chemical precipitation.
  • Desinfection of waste water with chlorine solutions.
  1. Many students view results simultaneously. To view all results in real time in the classroom by means of a projector or an electronic whiteboard.
  2. Open Control, Multicontrol and Real Time Control. This unit allows intrinsically and/or extrinsically to change the span, gains, proportional, integral, derivative parameters, etc, in real time.
  3. The Computer Control System with SCADA allows a real industrial simulation.
  4. This unit is totally safe as uses mechanical, electrical/electronic, and software safety devices.
  5. This unit can be used for doing applied research.
  6. This unit can be used for giving training courses to Industries even to other Technical Education Institutions.
  7. Control of the EECC unit process through the control interface box without the computer.
  8. Visualization of all the sensors values used in the EECC unit process.
  9. By using PLC-PI additional 19 more exercises can be done.
  10. Several other exercises can be done and designed by the user.

포함 된 요소들

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