CFGC 유체 채널, 컴퓨터 (PC)로 제어됨


Unit: CFGC. Computer Controlled Flow Channels


Complete CFGC unit


Unit details


CFGC/CIB. Control Interface Box: The Control Interface Box is part of the SCADA system


Process diagram and unit elements allocation


CFGC/SOF. CFGC Software. Main Screen


관련 뉴스

일반적인 설명

The Computer Controlled Flow Channels, "CFGC", are hydrodynamic channels to perform multiple hydraulic tests. They consist of a rectangular section channel with tempered glass transparent walls through which water flows. Water is impelled by a pump from the storage tank and driven to the inlet tank through the pipe. In the inlet tank there is a flow stilling device that allows for performing different experiments without hydraulic disturbances. Afterwards, water flows through the channel and is discharged into the reception tank, finally returning to the storage tanks and completing the closed circuit.

This Computer Controlled Unit is supplied with the EDIBON Computer Control System (SCADA), and includes: The unit itself + a Control Interface Box + a Data Acquisition Board + Computer Control, Data Acquisition and Data Management Software Packages, for controlling the process and all parameters involved in the process.

연습 및 가이드

매뉴얼에 포함 된 가이드 실기 연습

  1. Measurement of water level and speed along the channel.
  2. Flow rate measurement using sharp-crested weirs.
  3. Flow rate measurement through changes in the channel section.
  4. Flow rate measurement using Venturi flume.
  5. Flow rate control using gates.
  6. Level control using syphons.
  7. Flow over overflow weirs.
  8. Flow between the piers of a bridge.
  9. Connection of a channel to a culvert.
  10. Characterization of the hydraulic jump.
  11. Profiles of the water free surface.
  12. Manning coefficient calculation for channels with sedimentation.
  13. Comparison of the discharge coefficient in gates with or without sedimentation.
  14. Simulation of the effect of the piers of a bridge in a channel with sediments.
  15. Study of turbulences using ink.
  16. Visualization of the transitions of the sediments on the bed when abrupt discharges are generated.
  17. Dependence of the sediments shape on the flow rate variation.
  18. Study of the sediments transport and settling mechanisms.

장비로 수행 할 수있는 더 많은 실용적 연습

  1. Investigation of currents and torrential floods states.
  2. Water levels measurement.
  3. Discharge process in a submergible spillway.
  4. Pressure drop in open channels.
  5. Operation and study of a syphon.
  6. Flow and discharge coefficient of a syphon.
  7. Flow in pipes.
  8. Comparison between overflow and syphon.
  9. Study of the amplitude of the hydraulic jump.
  10. Generation of different flow states using an underwater dam.
  11. Study of the discharge processes under an adjustable weir:
  • Study of alternating changes during the discharge.
  1. Relationship between backwater level and discharge level.
  2. Study of discharge under a radial gate:
  • Study of alternating changes during the discharge.
  1. Hydrostatic pressure on a weir.
  2. Study of waves.
  3. Behaviour of structures under swell conditions (in rough sea).
  4. Application and understanding of Manning formula.
  5. Study of subcritical and supercritical flows.
  6. Learning how to apply the force, momentum and energy equations in typical situations.
  7. Study of the transition from flowing current to accelerated current.
  8. Calculation of the water flow.
  9. Use of the limnimeter.

Other possibilities to be done with this Unit:

  1. Many students view results simultaneously. To view all results in real time in the classroom by means of a projector or an electronic whiteboard.
  2. Open Control, Multicontrol and Real Time Control. This unit allows intrinsically and/or extrinsically to change the span, gains, proportional, integral, derivative parameters, etc, in real time.
  3. The Computer Control System with SCADA and PID Control allow a real industrial simulation.
  4. This unit is totally safe as uses mechanical, electrical and electronic, and software safety devices.
  5. This unit can be used for doing applied research.
  6. This unit can be used for giving training courses to Industries even to other Technical Education Institutions.
  7. Control of the CFGC unit process through the control interface box without the computer.
  8. Visualization of all the sensors values used in the CFGC unit process.
  9. By using PLC-PI additional 19 more exercises can be done.
  10. Several other exercises can be done and designed by the user.


  1. Control any unit from any post located in the laboratory.
  2. Supervise different experiments about data acquisition and representation, from the units, in real time.
  3. Visualize any experiment from any laboratory post.
  4. Supervise as many experiments as desired, performed in different units at the same time.
  5. Generate reports with the results obtained with the units.
  6. Perform different experiments at the same time.
  7. Show to the laboratory members the appropriate manual or automatic operations to perform with each laboratory unit.
  8. Create more elaborate practical exercises using more than one unit from the laboratory.
  9. Suggest multidisciplinary experiments, in other words, mix in the same experiment units from different study fields.
  10. Modify any parameter of any unit included in the system from any workstation in the laboratory.
  11. Cause an abnormal functioning in a unit for the students to practice fault finding exercises.
  12. Assess the knowledge of a student or group of students about a particular unit (any unit included in the "ESN" system).
  13. Develop guided practical exercises for a better understanding of each unit.
  14. Individual training practical exercises.
  15. Group exams or practical exercises.
  16. Perform interactive exercises (using the chat between manager-users).
  17. Exchange of obtained results among the members of the "ESN" system.
  18. Any exercise directly related to the SCADA software of each unit.
  19. Some of the practical possibilities may be done only with the "ESN" complete system.

ICAI. Interactive Computer Aided Instruction Software

  1. Carrying out practices from the first day. EDIBON provides a huge variety of default contents and pre-programmed tasks available for your use from the first session.
  • Ask us for information about the practices you could perform with each of our units.
  1. The material provided can be updated and extended periodically.
  2. Automatic evaluation of all tests.

ECR. EDIBON Industrial Modular System with NI CompactRIO

  1. Any practical exercise related to EDIBON units.
  2. Practical exercises related to embedded control and monitoring (Edge monitoring).
  3. Practical exercises related to synchronized and deterministic communications.
  4. Practical exercises related to customizable hardware (user-programmable FPGA, "Hardware in the loop").
  5. Practical exercises related to real-time control and measurement (PID and other control strategies, "Adaptative Control").
  6. Practical exercises related to industrial communications (EtherCAT, Ethernet/IP, Modbus, PROFIBUS, etc.)
  7. Practical exercises related to high performance processing.
  8. Practical exercises related to acquisition and analysis of signals.
  9. Practical exercises related to vision and control algorithms.
  10. Practical exercises related to sensors calibration.
  11. Practical exercises related to preventive maintenance.
  12. Practical exercises related to machine learning.
  13. Practical exercises related to digital twin.

ELK. EDIBON Software Development KIT, Powered by NI LabVIEW™

  1. Basic practical exercises to get started with LabVIEWTM and build simple applications.
  2. Basic practical exercises to get started with EDIBON TECHNICAL TEACHING UNITS.
  3. Specific applications intended for the study of several engineering areas, such as Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Process Control, Chemical Engineering, Power Systems, Renewable Energies, etc.
  4. Numerical and calculation practical exercises to perform complex mathematical operations, create and edit your own formulas and to obtain characteristic process parameters and variables.
  5. Data acquisition practical exercises to develop your custom supervision and control applications as well as to adjust its main parameters, such as sampling frequency, amount of data, number of signals to manage and more.
  6. Sensor calibration practical exercises to properly scale measurements using engineering units. Possibility of applying new calibration methods for any sensor.
  7. Signal processing practical exercises. Possibility of implementing your custom signal processing algorithms.
  8. Signal filtering practical exercises to study transients, refine data and remove unwanted components, such as noise.
  9. Signal plotting practical exercises to implement different graphical representations of the acquired signals, calculations and process variables in order to observe trends, patterns and variations in real time.
  10. Automatic control practical exercises to implement open/closed loop control algorithms reaching a higher level in the unit operation and automation. Examples: PID, ON/OFF Control, PWM, etc.
  11. DSC (Datalogging and Supervisory Control) practical exercises to log, view and manage historical data as well as to customize your own alarms and data reports.
  12. Fault simulation practical exercises to reproduce hardware breakdowns and their symptoms in a safe way, without any real damage. Additionally, possibility of incorporating your custom simulated faults.
  13. Hardware security elements management practical exercises to incorporate and supervise additional protections for EDIBON TECHNICAL TEACHING UNITS.
  14. User interface design practical exercises to customize the general appearance and layout of your own application.

PLC. PLC Industrial Process Control

  1. Sample program to use Variables, Timers and Counters.
  2. Sample program to program in different languages: ST (Structured Text), LD (Ladder Diagram) and SFC (Sequential Function Chart).
  3. Sample program to use Digital Inputs/Outputs.
  4. Sample program to use Analog Inputs/Outputs.
  5. Sample program to program an HMI.
  6. Sample program for Data Sensor Acquisition.
  7. Sample program for Data Sensor Calibration.
  8. Sample program for Manual Control of a Process (analog).
  9. Sample program for Manual Control of a Process (digital).
  10. Sample program for PID Control of a Process.
  11. Sample program for ON-OFF Control of a Process.
  12. Sample program for a Generic Process Controller.


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