EDIBON Cloud Learning allows one or more EDIBON Teaching and Research units to be used by one or more students from different locations. ECL allows students to do the practical work from three possible locations, such as the laboratory, their home or from their smartphones.
혁신적인 시스템
- Advanced Remote App Platform.
- User Platform with powerful tools to manage and administrate Laboratories online.
- EDIBON Units can be operated anywhere and anytime.
- Several Users can work with one Unit or one user with several Units.
- Storage and Access to Data in the Cloud.
- Collaboration with user communities worldwide via EDIBON Chats and Forums.
- User registration and self-registration in the Cloud.
- Monitoring of user tasks and progress.
- Suggestions and points of view of EDIBON Units.
- Exchange of experiences with EDIBON Units.
- Available live EDIBON Webinars.
- Available EDIBON Tutorials and Webinars at any time.
- Support from EDIBON Engineers.
- Compatible with multiple devices and OS.
- No software installation required.
관련 뉴스
일반적인 설명
EDIBON Cloud Learning is a Cloud Computing solution designed to control EDIBON Technology based Laboratories remotely in a simple and easy way.
EDIBON Cloud Learning is divided in two platforms:
Users Online Platform:
The main advantages of the Users Online Platform are:
- The administrators have full control over their Laboratories thanks to the powerful Class-Administrator Tool that allows the users management, logs visualization and progression monitoring. It also enables to assign users permissions to let them control EDIBON Units or just display them. Furthermore, the administrator can upload and download Measurements, data and Multimedia resources.
- The users can learn interactively in a flexible environment as if they were in the Laboratory, accessing through the Remote App to work with EDIBON Units. Several users can work with one unit or one user with several units. The users can also Upload and Download Measurements, data and graphs, Multimedia resources and Reports.
Remote App Platform:
Thanks to the Remote App Platform, the users can control EDIBON Units and EDIBON SCADA Software as if they were in the laboratory and share their expertise with the Users Community.
보완 장비
The PLC expansion is a PLC-based system designed to work in conjunction with other units from EDIBON.
EDIBON 원격 교육
EDIBON Cloud Learning is a Cloud Computing solution designed to control EDIBON Technology based Laboratories remotely in a simple and easy way.EDIBON Cloud Learning is divided in two platforms:Users Online Platform: The main advantages of the...
고장 시뮬레이션 시스템
Wide range of faults, specific to each EDIBON teaching equipment.Configurable system: The faults are sequentially reproduced and can be reordered, as well as be activated/deactivated individually.Fully integrated with EDIBON SCADA control...
상호작용형 컴퓨터 지원 교육 소프트웨어
The Interactive Computer Aided Instruction Software, "ICAI", is a software to HELP the teacher and the student to carry out the practices incorporating all the novelties included in each of the three system packages.
EDIBON 소프트웨어 개발 키트, NI LabVIEW™에서 제공하는 기능
EDIBON Software Development KIT, Powered by NI LabVIEW™, "ELK", is a software package, designed by EDIBON engineers, based on National Instruments LabVIEW™ environment, offered as an optional item for some EDIBON ENGINEERING TEACHINGEQUIPMENT.
NI LabVIEW™을 활용한 EDIBON 회로 시뮬레이션 개발 키트
EDIBON Development KIT for Circuits Simulation, Powered by NI LabVIEW™ "EMSK", is a software package, based on National Instruments Multisim™ environment, offered as an optional item for some EDIBON TECHNICAL TEACHING EQUIPMENT.
NI CompactRIO를 사용한 EDIBON의 산업용 모듈식 시스템
Generally, PLC controllers include functionalities such as analog and digital I/O, a memory table to share I/O and variable values, and a set of sequential instructions that define the machine behavior.
Matlab용 EDIBON 키트
EDIBON MATLAB® Kit , "EMAK", is a software package, based on MATLAB® and Simulink® environment, offered as an optional itemtogether with EDIBON TECHNICAL TEACHING EQUIPMENT.
HMI와 함께하는 로컬/원격 IIoT 제어 및 모니터링
The expansion for PLC and HMI, "PLCHMI", is the PLC-HMI set designed by EDIBON. Its objective is to work together with any other EDIBON unit that carries out the control of a process. It allows the user to operate and control EDIBON unit from a...
모듈식 획득 및 제어 시스템
The Modular System for Acquisition and Control consists of a housing or rack in which various electronic cards are connected: communication, measurement, switching, etc. This Modular System is designed for the consumer to make their own...
EDIBON 증강 현실 교육 시스템
The Augmented Reality Instructional System by EDIBON, "ARISE", represents the dynamic integration between the real and digital worlds through holographic technology, allowing real-time interactions with our units and providing precise 3D...

판매 후 서비스