AEL-FUSG-M 스마트 그리드 (최종 사용자) - 스마트 미터 응용
혁신적인 시스템
The Final User Smart Grid - Smart Meter Application (AEL-FUSG-M) is a application that reflects the real operation of current Smart Grids.
관련 뉴스
일반적인 설명
Nowadays, the main goal of all major electric utilities is to achieve a perfect synchronization between power generation and consumption. For that purpose, some activities, such as real-time remote management and monitoring of the energy consumption and bidirectional communication with smart meters, are indispensable.
To understand how current utilities work in the Electrical Grids, EDIBON offers the Final User Smart Grid - Smart Meter Application (AEL-FUSG-M), a real Smart Grid System where the user can manage an actual Smart Meter.
The Final User Smart Grid - Smart Meter Application (AEL-FUSG-M) is a application that reflects the real operation of current Smart Grids. The purpose of the AEL-FUSG-M is to make the user understand how utilities work in a real smart grid environment.
The complete system consists of:
a) AEL-FUSG-M. Final User Smart Grid - Smart Meter Application.
b) Required accessories.
c) Optional accessories.
연습 및 가이드
매뉴얼에 포함 된 가이드 실기 연습
- Communication process with the data concentrator.
- Remote control of the smart meter relay.
- Real time monitoring of the energy consumed by the loads.
- Power factor comparison with different load combinations using the data concentrator web server.
- Comparison of the energy consumption from the utility point of view (with the platform integrated in the data concentrator) and from the final user point of view (using the smart meter display).
- Power factor correction using capacitor banks. The student can configure different loads and analyze the quality of energy in real time.
- Instantaneous measurement of the current, voltage, active power and power factor.
NOTE: All practical exercises can be done remotely, as actual utilities do with real Smart Grids.
보완 장비
스마트 그리드 (최종 사용자) - 에너지 관리 응용
스마트 그리드 (최종 사용자) - 넷 미터링 응용

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