CFG 유체 채널


혁신적인 시스템

관련 뉴스

일반적인 설명

Channel made up of group of modular parts of 2.5 m long. Each rectangular piece of different sections with transparent walls of 10 mm thick is made in such a way that guarantees a uniform section along the entire channel. All the sections are made of tempered glass, stainless steel and anodized aluminum, guaranteeing corrosion resistance. The alignment process and level testers guarantee a perfect alignment of the perfectly watertight assembled unit.

The assembly has inlet and outlet gates to carry out different experiments and safety level switches that prevent water from exceeding the maximum level.

Robust metal frame, made of welded steel, to support the assembly of sections. It allows for adjusting the tilt from -0.5 % to 2.5 %.

Fiberglass inlet tank with draining valve and safety water level switch.

Fiberglass reception tank with draining valve and safety water level switch.

Recirculating water storage tanks. The tanks are provided with cover and drain valve on the lower part, capacity: 1200 l.

Variable speed driving pump. The power of the pump varies in function of the channel version from 140 m³/h, 4 kW up to 480 m³/h, 12 kW.

Water velocity inside the channel can be controlled from 0 m/s to the maximum flow rate supplied by the pump.

연습 및 가이드

매뉴얼에 포함 된 가이드 실기 연습

  1. Measurement of water level and speed along the channel.
  2. Flow rate measurement using sharp-crested weirs.
  3. Flow rate measurement through changes in the channel section.
  4. Flow rate measurement using Venturi flume.
  5. Flow rate control using gates.
  6. Level control using syphons.
  7. Flow over overflow weirs.
  8. Flow between the piers of a bridge.
  9. Connection of a channel to a culvert.
  10. Characterization of the hydraulic jump.
  11. Profiles of the water free surface.
  12. Manning coefficient calculation for channels with sedimentation.
  13. Comparison of the discharge coefficient in gates with or without sedimentation.
  14. Simulation of the effect of the piers of a bridge in a channel with sediments.
  15. Study of turbulences using ink.
  16. Visualization of the transitions of the sediments on the bed when abrupt discharges are generated.
  17. Dependence of the sediments shape on the flow rate variation.
  18. Study of the sediments transport and settling mechanisms.

장비로 수행 할 수있는 더 많은 실용적 연습

  1. Investigation of currents and torrential floods states.
  2. Water levels measurement.
  3. Discharge process in a submergible spillway.
  4. Pressure drop in open channels.
  5. Operation and study of a syphon.
  6. Flow and discharge coefficient of a syphon.
  7. Flow in pipes.
  8. Comparison between overflow and syphon.
  9. Study of the amplitude of the hydraulic jump.
  10. Generation of different flow states using an underwater dam.
  11. Study of the discharge processes under an adjustable weir:
  • Study of alternating changes during the discharge.
  1. Relationship between backwater level and discharge level.
  2. Study of discharge under a radial gate:
  • Study of alternating changes during the discharge.
  1. Hydrostatic pressure on a weir.
  2. Study of waves.
  3. Behaviour of structures under swell conditions (in rough sea).
  4. Application and understanding of Manning formula.
  5. Study of subcritical and supercritical flows.
  6. Learning how to apply the force, momentum and energy equations in typical situations.
  7. Study of the transition from flowing current to accelerated current.
  8. Calculation of the water flow.
  9. Use of the limnimeter.


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