M14/KIT 광전자학 키트
혁신적인 시스템
With Optoelectronics Kit, "M14/KIT", designed by EDIBON, the main light emitters and liquid crystal displays (LCD), photoconductive cells, fibre optics, infrared, etc. can be studied.
관련 뉴스
일반적인 설명
With Optoelectronics Kit, "M14/KIT", designed by EDIBON, the main light emitters and liquid crystal displays (LCD), photoconductive cells, fibre optics, infrared, etc. can be studied.
연습 및 가이드
매뉴얼에 포함 된 가이드 실기 연습
Light transmitters and liquid crystal display (LCD):
- Light transmitters.
- Bargraph.
- LCD display and 7-segment display.
- Faults study in light transmitters and liquid crystal display.
- Theoretical/practical exercises.
Photo-conducting cells:
- Light dependent resistors.
- Alarm.
- Faults study on the photo-conducting cell.
- Theoretical/practical exercises.
Fiber optics:
- Fiber optics practice.
- Faults study using fiber optics.
- Theoretical/practical exercises.
- Circuit with infrared diodes.
- Faults study of the infrared diodes.
- Theoretical/practical exercises.
장비로 수행 할 수있는 더 많은 실용적 연습
- Several other exercises can be done and designed by the user.