FME33 파스칼의 원리 시연


혁신적인 시스템

The Pascal's Principle Demonstration Unit, "FME33", designed by EDIBON, allows to demonstrate Pascal's principle, i.e. that the pressure in an incompressible fluid is independent of the column size section but depends only on its height (liquid level) and on the type of fluid.

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일반적인 설명

The Pascal's Principle Demonstration Unit, "FME33", designed by EDIBON, allows to demonstrate Pascal's principle, i.e. that the pressure in an incompressible fluid is independent of the column size section but depends only on its height (liquid level) and on the type of fluid. This is possible by comparing three tanks with the same diameter at the base but with different shapes. It also enables the hydrostatic pressure to be quantitatively measured and the linear connection between the pressure and the filling height to be studied.

This unit is made up of a body with a diaphragm or membrane to which any of the three vessels can be attached. The membrane transfers the force to a lever arm that is balanced with masses and a spirit level.

A movable pointer adjustable in height located in a vertical rod allows to fix the height of the water in the vessels to the same level, so that the force or pressure is common for the three vessels regardless their shape.

연습 및 가이드

매뉴얼에 포함 된 가이드 실기 연습

  1. Demonstration of Pascal’s principle by comparing three vessels of different shape.
  2. Determining the hydrostatic pressure.
  3. Determining the linear relation between pressure and filling head of the vessel.


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