FME21 Radial Flow Turbine
혁신적인 시스템
The Radial Flow Turbine unit, "FME21", designed by EDIBON, allows the study of a turbomachine, specifically radial turbines capable of handling slower flow levels than other turbine models.
관련 뉴스
일반적인 설명
The Radial Flow Turbine unit, "FME21", designed by EDIBON, allows the study of a turbomachine, specifically radial turbines capable of handling slower flow levels than other turbine models.
This unit consist of a miniature Radial Turbine with two nozzles at 180° with respect to the perpendicular direction at the rotating axis. A Bourdon type manometer is placed at the inlet nozzle.
A band brake connected to a dynamometer allows to control the load given to the turbine.
A tachometer determines the velocity measurement.
연습 및 가이드
매뉴얼에 포함 된 가이드 실기 연습
- Flow calculation.
- Obtaining of the M (n, Ha), N(n, Ha), h (n, Ha) curves.
- Obtaining of the M (n, Q), Nm (n, Q), h (n, Q) curves.
- Adimensionalization.