AEL-MEPD-01 Aplicação da Distribuição da Energia Marítima Modular com SCADA



The Modular Marine Electrical Power Distribution Application, "AEL-MEPD-01" has been designed by EDIBON for the training at both the theoretical and practical levels in the field of power generation and power distribution systems in ships.

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The Modular Marine Electrical Power Distribution Application, "AEL-MEPD-01" has been designed by EDIBON for the training at both the theoretical and practical levels in the field of power generation and power distribution systems in ships. This system provides several levels of training to give the user full knowledge and experiences about the operation of Marine Electrical Power Distribution Systems.

For this purpose, this application includes a specific manual, which explains at theoretical level the subjects relating to power generation and power distribution systems in ships. The thematic of the manual covers topics such as construction, cabling and configuration of the main switch distribution board, overcurrent protections, setting of frequency and voltage controllers, setting of the variable frequency drives, charging battery system, essential and non-essential circuits, etc. This power system consists of several elements and modules which represent the parties of a Marine Electrical Power Distribution System. These parties are the Main Busbar modules, the Power Distribution modules and the Emergency Switch-Board modules. Besides, two synchronous generator-turbine groups are provided to form a complete and real Marine Electrical Power System. On this way, the users can broaden their knowledge learning topics related to management of power generators used in ships such as parallel operation, load sharing, power generators control systems, etc.

The AEL-MEPD-01 includes a SCADA Control and Data Acquisition System. It represents faithfully a power generation substation with a turbine-generator control center with network analyzers, circuit breakers, distribution line and resistive and inductive loads. The SCADA is designed to control in real time of whole power system, for instance, the generator speed and voltage can be remotely controlled while the user observes the behavior of the operating system. On the other hand, it is possible to put in parallel operation the two generators. Thus, the user can understand what effects of the frequency and current excitation are in synchronism. Droop voltages, overspeed, underspeed, overcurrents, overloads and reverse power are some of many phenomena that the user can study from the SCADA. Besides, circuit breakers can be monitored and controlled from SCADA to study different switching operations and the effects produced in the power system. Other important point to be studied with this application is the black-out. When the two power generators fail, the interrupted power supply in¬cluded in this application allows to study the energy recovery procedure in the ship power system.



  1. Main switch board cabling and ring configuration.
  2. Overcurrent relay and circuit breakers setting.
  3. Study of the generation power flows, synchronization, activepower-sharing and distribution power systems with differentload conditions.
  4. Analysis of the measurements of the power flows of thesynchronous generator and loads.
  5. Analysis of the active and reactive power of the synchronousgenerator against dynamic load variations (ship propulsion).
  6. Study of the synchronous generator in island operation mode.
  7. Study of excitation/voltage regulation of synchronousgenerator in island mode.
  8. Study of turbine regulation (frequency control) in island mode.
  9. Study of different situation in the distribution busbar with ringtopology (maneuvers with circuit breakers).
  10. Logic operation with circuit breakers.
  11. Load sharing with different feeders: propellers, auxiliaryservices and emergency busbar.
  12. Busbar changeover without interruption.
  13. Study of a blackout in the power system of the ship. Step-bystep energy recovery.
  14. Study of the system response to opening circuit breakers due tofailures conditions (simulated).
  15. Recovery of system energy through an uninterruptible powersupply.
  16. Study of generator-shedding and energy saving in the UPS.
  17. Study of the auxiliary services of the ship.
  18. Study of emergency operations through the emergency switchboards.
  19. Emergency power requirements during a blackout or systemfailure until recovery.
  20. Essential and non-essential circuits.
  21. Study and measurement of charging battery system.


  1. Many students view results simultaneously. To view all results in real time in the classroom by means of a projector or an electronic whiteboard.
  2. The Computer Control System with SCADA allow a real industrial simulation.
  3. This unit is totally safe as uses mechanical, electrical and electronic, and software safety devices.
  4. This unit can be used for doing applied research.
  5. This unit can be used for giving training courses to Industries even to other Technical Education Institutions.
  6. Several other exercises can be done and designed by the user.


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