AEL-SVC Aplicação de Controle de Tensão com SVCs em Sistemas de Transmissão, Controlado por Computador (PC)



The Computer Controlled Voltage Control with SVCs in Transmission Systems Application, "AEL-SVC", has been designed by EDIBON to study the most important applications based on thyristor controlled reactor (TCR) and thyristor switched capacitor (TSC).

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Descrição Geral

The Computer Controlled Voltage Control with SVCs in Transmission Systems Application, "AEL-SVC", has been designed by EDIBON to study the most important applications based on thyristor controlled reactor (TCR) and thyristor switched capacitor (TSC). The goal of this application is to demonstrate the actual SVC topologies used in power systems and the advantages of the utilization of this cutting-edge technology. SVCs are part of Smart Grids and it is unthinkable an actual grid without the SVCs to control the reactive power flows and voltage levels in transmission systems.

The "AEL-SVC" application provides different modules in order to the students and teachers configure their own Flexible AC Transmission System. This application allows various levels of training and research for beginners and advanced researchers who want to start from scratch or improve their knowledge in this field.

Additionally, it is recommended a series of modules for a better understanding of the importance of SVCs in transmission systems. The "AEL-SVC" application offers the possibility of the integration of a real synchronous generator to study the influence of sudden reactive energy changes (droop voltage) and how the SVCs solve this problem compensating the power factor and avoiding significant droops voltage in the synchronous machine.

On the other hand, it is recommended too to acquire the Control and Data Acquisition System Software for Electrical Machines, ‘’EM-SCADA’’, for the fulfillment of SVCs advanced tests. This advanced software allows monitoring the waveforms for currents and voltages to study in depth these signals.

This Computer Controlled Unit is supplied with the EDIBON Computer Control System (SCADA), and includes: The unit itself + Computer Control, Data Acquisition and Data Management Software Packages, for controlling the process and all parameters involved in the process.



Some practical exercises possibilities with the base unit SVC-UB and SVC-K1:

  1. Manual reactive power control with manual commutable inductances and capacitors loads.
  2. Automatic reactive power compensation with the thyristor reactor controller module (TCR).
  3. Manual reactive power compensation with the thyristor reactor controller module, varying the firing "alfa".
  4. Comparison of the behavioral dynamics of the transmission system with the manual reactive power control and the automatic reactive power control with thyristors (TCR).
  5. Visualization of the grid parameters with the influence of the manual reactive power control.
  6. Visualization of the grid parameters with the influence of the automatic reactive control with the thyristors reactor module (TCR).
  7. Manual control of the thyristor firing angle in the TCR and visualization of the grid reactive power response.
  8. Visualization of the voltages nodes in the transmission line and droop voltages compensation against sudden load changes.

Some practical exercises possibilities with the base unit SVC-UB and SVC-K2:

  1. Automatic reactive and active power compensation with the thyristor reactor controller module (TCR) and thyristor capacitor switch controller module (TCS).
  2. Manual reactive power compensation with the thyristor reactor controller module and the thyristor capacitor switch controller module, varying the firing "alfa".
  3. Comparison of the behavioral dynamics of the transmission system with the manual reactive power control and the automatic reactive power control with both thyristors reactor and capacitor controllers (TCR and TSC).
  4. Visualization of the grid parameters with the influence of the manual reactive and active power control.
  5. Visualization of the grid parameters with the influence of the automatic power factor control with the thyristors reactor and capacitor modules (TCR and TSC).
  6. Manual control of the thyristor firing angle in the TCR and TSC, and visualization of the grid power factor response.
  7. Visualization of the voltages nodes in the transmission line and droop voltages compensation against sudden load changes.


Some practical exercises with Control and Data Acquisition System Software for Electrical Machines EM-SCADA:

  1. Optimum firing angle determination for each load condition.
  2. Visualization and comparison of the reactive power compensation waves working with both TCR and TSC.
  3. Visualization of the voltage and current gaps according to the thyristors firing angle.
  4. Thyristors firing angle identification with the high speed data acquisition system.

Other possibilities to be done with this unit:

  1. Many students view results simultaneously. To view all results in real time in the classroom by means of a projector or an electronic whiteboard.
  2. The Computer Control System with SCADA allows a real industrial simulation.
  3. This unit is totally safe as uses mechanical, electrical and electronic, and software safety devices.
  4. This unit can be used for doing applied research.
  5. This unit can be used for giving training courses to Industries even to other Technical Education Institutions.
  6. Several other exercises can be done and designed by the user.



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