CSRD/12/CTS Destilação para Recuperação de Solventes Corrosivos de 12 l/h, Controlado por Computador (PC) e Tela Sensível ao Toque



The Computer Controlled and Touch Screen 12 l/h Corrosive Solvent Recovery Distillation, "CSRD/12/CTS", is able to show, for further investigation and study, the separation of water from a mixture composed of the organic solvent Gamma-Valerolactone (GVL) and different acids. In addition, the equipment has the main elements made of PTFE/PFA-coated carbon steel, graphite and PVDF, which allows the study of corrosive processes.

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Descrição Geral

The Computer Controlled and Touch Screen 12 l/h Corrosive Solvent Recovery Distillation, "CSRD/12/CTS", is able to show, for further investigation and study, the separation of water from a mixture composed of the organic solvent Gamma-Valerolactone (GVL) and different acids. In addition, the equipment has the main elements made of PTFE/PFA-coated carbon steel, graphite and PVDF, which allows the study of corrosive processes.

The unit consists of a distillation column, a reboiler, five heat exchangers, three pumps, a distillate tank and a cooling tank.

The feed mixture is fed into the column via the feed pump. Once the bottoms enter the heat exchangers, the necessary heat is brought to the boiling point of the most volatile component, which is separated from the heavier compounds in the reboiler.

A heat exchanger in the column head condenses the distillate (consisting mainly of the most volatile component, water), which is collected in the distillate receiver. This tank includes a weighing system to regulate the reflux ratio, which is introduced into the column through the reflux pump.

The cooling system, consisting of a cooling tank through whose jacket a cooling fluid (water) circulates, allows the heavy components that are collected by tails to cool down. After a certain cooling time, the cooling system pump pumps the funds to the next required unit.

This Computer Controlled Unit is supplied with the EDIBON Computer Control System (SCADA), and includes: The unit itself + Computer Control, Data Acquisition and Data Management Software Packages, for controlling the process and all parameters involved in the process.


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