TELT Equipamento de Estudo de Sistemas de Limpeza em Tubulações
The Pipe Cleaning Training Unit, "TELT", designed by EDIBON, simulates a real house piping system, so original components used in plumbing systems are employed.
Descrição Geral
The Pipe Cleaning Training Unit, "TELT", designed by EDIBON, simulates a real house piping system, so original components used in plumbing systems are employed.
The objective of this unit is to study the cleaning of pipes from the sanitation system, removing possible waste from the drinking water pipes. Among the most common waste there are remnants of sealant, solder, rust, etc.
The panel simulates the real system of a house, so it is composed of original elements found in sanitation systems. The system supplies water to an automatic mixer with temperature safety stop to 70 ºC, a two-handle mixer, a toilet tank and possible fittings with hoses.
Water is introduced in the system, using hoses, through cold water intakes, to a minimum pressure of 3 bar. The intakes are connected to a quick-action bleed valve for safety purposes. Part of the water is heated in a boiler simulator that includes a safety valve. Contaminants are introduced in the system through some closable intakes. Besides, the system includes transparent pieces that allow the user to observe the flushing of the pipes from bottom to top.
- Study of pipes flushing techniques according to the DIN 1988/83/CE standard.
- Use of original components from plumbing systems.
- Understanding the operation of the main elements of a house sanitation system.
- Limitations of pipes flushing process.
Equipamento de Treinamento para Medições de Temperatura
Equipamento de Montagem e Manutenção em Instalações de Refrigeração
Regulagem da Potência e Falhas em Instalações de Refrigeração, Controlado por Computador (PC)
Equipamento Modular de Refrigeração e Ar Condicionado, Controlado por Computador (PC)
Modelo de Refrigerador Doméstico
Modelo de Instalação Frigorífica com Refrigeração e Congelamento
Modelo de Instalação de Ar Condicionado Simples para Refrigeração de Cômodos
Modelo de Climatização Completo
Equipamento de Estação de Medição e Regulação
Equipamento de Experimentação de Aquecedor a Gás Instantâneo
Equipamento de Experimentação com Queimador de Gás de Tiragem Forçada

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