PL Lisímetro de Demonstração
The Demonstration Lysimeter, "PL", is a unit designed by EDIBON to measure the evapotranspiration using the water balance method.
Descrição Geral
The Demonstration Lysimeter, "PL", is a unit designed by EDIBON to measure the evapotranspiration using the water balance method.
The unit consists of two independent lysimeters that allows the user to perform two practical exercises at the same time. Water losses or increases of the analyzed soil can be measured by two inclined-tube manometers.
Each lysimeter consists of a square-based vessel with a hydraulic device inside that, connected to the graduated tubes, allows the user to observe changes in the water level.
There is a vessel on each hydraulic device. Each vessel is filled with soil to plant the vegetation in order to analyze their evapotranspiration
Two lids are included to cover the top of the vessels, so water losses by evaporation are reduced and only transpiration is studied. ,
There is a tank and a pipe to fill the hydraulic device with water so that it transfers the pressure exerted by the weight of each vessel to both graduated tubes.
Besides, a set of weights to calibrate the manometric tubes in function of the weight change to which the hydraulic device is subjected are supplied with the unit.
- Study of the evapotranspiration measurement by the water-balance method.
- Study of a lysimeter operation.
- Measurement of the evapotranspiration in a grass crop.
- Study of the influence of the leaf size in the evapotranspiration.
- Study of the influence of the evaporation in the evapotranspiration.
- Determination of the plants water use.
- Study and understanding of the relationship between reference maximum transpiration and actual transpiration.
Equipamento de Sistemas Hidrológicos, Simulador de Chuva e Sistemas de Riscos (2x1 m), Controlado por Computador (PC)
Equipamento de Sistemas Hidrológicos, Simulador de Chuva e Sistemas de Irrigação (2 x 1m)
Equipamento de Estudos Hidrológicos, Controlado por Computador (PC)
Equipamento de Estudos Hidrológicos
Equipamento de Hidrogramas de Precipitações
Simulador de Chuva para Estudos de Erosões em Solos, Controlado por Computador (PC)
Simulador de Chuva para Estudos de Erosão do Solo
Simulador de Fluxos de Rios
Equipamento de Visualização de Fluxo e Leito Móvel (seção de trabalho: 2000X610 mm)
Equipamento de Visualização de Fluxo e Leito Móvel (seção de trabalho: 4000X610 mm)
Canal Aberto de Sedimentação

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