TA50/250 Аэродинамический тоннель, 50X250 мм


Unit: TA50/250. Aerodynamic Tunnel, 50 x 250 mm


The Aerodynamic Tunnel, 50 x 250 mm, "TA50/250", is a wind tunnel designed to study subsonic aerodynamics in a tunnel in open circuit and with incompressible subsonic flow.

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The Aerodynamic Tunnel, 50 x 250 mm, "TA50/250", is a wind tunnel designed to study subsonic aerodynamics in a tunnel in open circuit and with incompressible subsonic flow. Air is drawn by a variable speed fan located at the discharge end of the tunnel. Several models and accessories are available, allowing a comprehensive study of subsonic aerodynamics.

The unit includes several tunnel sections. In the same order in which the flow crosses them, they are: lips, haven section, contraction, working area, diffuser and fan.

Lips and a haven section are incorporated at the tunnel inlet to reduce the pressure drop and the interferences in the flow. An 8:1 contraction ratio and a perfectly studied contour curve of the contraction ensures well developed airflow through the working area.

The working area is located after the contraction. It is a constant section tract, where the models to be tested are assembled, and the dimensions of the transverse section is bigger than the models. It is made of PMMA to allow to observe the models. This section includes a Pitot static tube in the top side to study the static pressure, dynamic pressure and total pressure.

A diffuser is included at the tunnel outlet to avoid the generation of turbulences, which can generate damages in the current quality at the working area.

An axial-flow fan, located at the discharge end of the tunnel, provides a more uniform velocity profile at the working area. An electronic console contains the controller for the axial fan.

There are sixty different appropriate tappings for the pressure takings (along the tunnel and in the different models). The unit includes a twenty tube water manometer to measure the static pressure.

The models are mounted on a circular hatch (200 mm), and they are coupled to the working area to seal the opening. They are secured by knobs on the side wall of the working area.



  1. Comprehensive study of subsonic aerodynamics and airflow studies.
  2. Measurement of pressure distribution around a two dimensional body.
  3. Study of flow visualization.
  4. Study of static pressure, dynamic pressure and total pressure using a Pitot tube.
  5. Study of velocity measurement using a Pitot tube.
  6. Flux in a nozzle: Determination of the characteristics of the pressures field in a nozzle.
  7. Flux in a nozzle: Observation of the local characteristics, depending on whether the walls have a curvature or not, as well as what happens at the inlet and outlet areas of the contraction.
  8. House Scale Model (TA1): Study of aerodynamic forces due to the wind on a house.
  9. House Scale Model (TA1): Determination of the aerodynamic loads generated by the wind on a house walls.
  10. Cylinder Model (TA2): Study of flow around a cylinder.
  11. Cylinder Model (TA2): Determination of the form of the pressures field around a cylinder on which a current perpendicular to the axis impacts.
  12. Cylinder Model (TA2): Determination, by the type of detachment, whether the boundary layer finally becomes turbulent or remains laminar.
  13. Cylinder Model (TA2): Determination of the resistance coefficient of the cylinder.
  14. Cylinder Model (TA2): Relation of all the above-mentioned with the Reynolds's number.
  15. Convex Semi-Cylinder Model (TA3): Study of flow around a convex semi-cylinder.
  16. Convex Semi-Cylinder Model (TA3): Determination of the field of pressures in the convex semi-cylinder.
  17. Convex Semi-Cylinder Model (TA3): Determination of the aerodynamic resistance coefficients in the convex semi-cylinder.


  1. Study of aerodynamic forces due to the wind on a Car Model (TA4).
  2. Study of aerodynamic forces due to the wind on a Lorry Model (TA5).
  3. Study of aerodynamic forces due to the wind on a Lorry with Wind Deflector Model (TA6).
  4. Study of aerodynamic forces due to the wind on a Plane Model (TA7).
  5. Study of aerodynamic forces due to the wind on a Train Model (TA8).
  6. Study of aerodynamic forces due to the wind on a Projectile Model (TA9).
  7. Study of aerodynamic forces due to the wind on a Circular Disc Model (TA10).
  8. Study of aerodynamic forces due to the wind on a Wing of a Plane Model (TA11).
  9. Study of flow and pressure distribution around a Wing of a Plane Model (TA11) at different angles of attack.
  10. Study of aerodynamic forces due to the wind on a Concave Semi-Cylinder Model (TA12).
  11. Study of aerodynamic forces due to the wind on a Blunt Element Model (TA13).
  12. Study of effect of changing in Bernoulli Apparatus Model (TA14) the cross section and application of the Bernoulli equation.
  13. Study of laminar and turbulent boundary layer development with the Boundary Layer Plate Model (TA15) and the Boundary Layer Experiment Accessory (TA50/250-BLE).
  14. Study of static pressure, dynamic pressure and total pressure with the Wake Survey Rake (TA17).
  15. Study of aerodynamic forces due to the wind on a Streamlined Shape (TA18).
  16. Investigation into the influence of models shape in the drag forces (Lift and Drag Balance (TA19), Drag Models (TA20) and Forces Measurement Console (TA50/250-TAR)).
  17. Demonstration of flow patterns around different objects with the Smoke Generator (TA50/250-SG1).
  18. Study of the PIV 2D flow Visualisation for Velocities up to 30 m/s and Area of 100 x 100 mm (APIV/30).
  19. Several other exercises can be done and designed by the user.




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