
Design your own laboratory
Design your own laboratory
An efficient laboratory in a university or vocational school improves the performance of the students and the understanding of concepts in a simple and quick way. It also allows the students to learn in a completely practical way that prepares them for the future. In EDIBON we design fully customized laboratories that meet the needs of every educational establishment, being equipped with the latest technology available on the market and...
EMSK. EDIBON Development KIT for Circuits Simulation, Powered by NI LabVIEW™
EMSK. EDIBON Development KIT for Circuits Simulation, Powered by NI LabVIEW™
In a design project of electronic or electric circuits, one of the most critical stages is the one aim to foresee the voltages and current in the different parts of the circuit, because depend of this stage are defined the components nominal power, the wire sizes...in other words, this stage defines a big part of the project cost.
EDIBON Cloud Learning
EDIBON Cloud Learning
EDIBON Cloud Learning allows one or more EDIBON Teaching and Research units to be used by one or more students from different locations. ECL allows students to do the practical work from three possible locations, such as the laboratory, their home or from their smartphones.
EDIBON SCADA System with NI CompactRIO
EDIBON SCADA System with NI CompactRIO
Accelerate research and optimize resources with our multiple controller technology (EDIBON SCADA System with NI CompactRIO). High efficiency, adaptability and flexibility, ideal for an IoT environment. Check our brochures and see much more about this sophisticated tool! Click to see and download  
Nowadays, due to real industrial system and process complexity results indispensable to count on a SCADA architecture. What it is SCADA? The SCADA term stands for Supervisory, Control and Data Acquisition. Embedded software applications are performance based on computers by means of this concept with the purpose of carrying out measurements, control and supervision over process in real time. SCADA at the Industry The SCADA architecture...
NEW Food & Water technologies leaflets
NEW Food & Water technologies leaflets
Food Technology is a branch of Food Science based on multidisciplinary knowledge of nutrition, chemical analysis, physics, biochemistry and engineering. Water treatment technologies obtain drinking water, so necessary for our life. Both disciplines have become in recent years an indispensable tool for improving the quality of human life throughout the world. In EDIBON we have developed a complete range of equipment prepared to carry out...
NEW Environmental leaflets
NEW Environmental leaflets
Due to the growing awareness of environmental problems, not only individuals but also governments and companies have started to develop activities that tend to preserve or limit the damage to the environment. Thus, some disciplines of the environmental science, such as hydrology, hydrogeology, water and gas treatment, recycling and pollution among others, have gained great importance. With our range of Environmental equipment you can study...
NEW Renewable Energies leaflet
NEW Renewable Energies leaflet
The growing concern over pollution and climate change has exponentially increased the interest about clean energies. Computer Controlled Renewable Energies units (with SCADA), designed by EDIBON, are not only an effective learning tool to understand all energy related processes, but also a powerful way of developing applied research, real industrial simulation, training courses, etc. Click to see & download
NEW UNIT: EDILAB-ELEC1. Electrolyzer (3 Nl/h)
NEW UNIT: EDILAB-ELEC1. Electrolyzer (3 Nl/h)
The Electrolyzer (3 Nl/h), "EDILAB-ELEC1", consists of an electrolyzer to generate hydrogen which uses a high performance and efficiency system based on water electrolysis. Hydrogen to be used safely is obtained from it. The electrolysis cell is a PEM type membrane. It only needs deionized or distilled water and generates 3 l/h of 99.99% purity hydrogen. Click to see more information
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