The Computer Controlled Biomedical Electrotherapy Teaching Unit, "BIETC", consists of an electrotherapy machine used in a professional field , and a control interface box.
The control interface box has the connection to the PC to acquire the signals from the electrotherapy unit. Inside the control box are located:
The signal analyser for the two channels of the electrotherapy unit.
The skin emulator: containing the simulation of three different types of skins, each one with different electrical impedance.
The electrotherapy unit allows the user to set the desired electrotherapy programme and configuration, to perform the test on the skin emulator.
This Computer Controlled Unit is supplied with the EDIBON Computer Control System (SCADA), and includes: The unit itself + a Control Interface Box + a Data Acquisition Board + Computer Control, Data Acquisition and Data Management Software Packages, for controlling the process and all parameters involved in the process.