MDFC Coriolis Force Demonstration Unit



The Coriolis Force Demonstration Unit, "MDFC", designed by EDIBON, allows the visual demonstration of the Coriolis effect (force) in a rotating reference system, using a jet of water as moving mass.

See general description


General Description

The Coriolis Force Demonstration Unit, "MDFC", designed by EDIBON, is used to observe the deflection of a jet of water generated by a pump attached to a rotating arm that rotates to different speeds in a horizontal plane. An electronically controlled motor rotates the arm at different speeds.

The pump is immersed in a transparent water tank and projects a jet of water in the tank. This jet is directed towards the center of rotation of the rotating arm in a closed circuit.

Depending on the speed and direction of rotation, as well as the water flow rate of the pump, the jet of water is deflected under the Coriolis force. The amount of deflection can be seen in the water tank and determined by means of a scale on the tank and a measuring rod that can be adjusted so that the jet beats the rod.

The pump is counterbalanced to ensure a smooth and steady rotation at high speeds.

The unit includes an electronic console with a speed controller for the motor and a digital display to view the different speeds of the motor, a flow rate controller for the pump and a digital display for the speed of the jet of water.

The unit is protected by a safety cover that disconnects it automatically when the lid is opened.

Optionally EDIBON recommends the Action Camera element, C-ACAM, to visualize and/or record the deviation of the water jet.

Exercises and guided practices


  1. Study of the influence of the deflection of a water jet depending on the rotation speed and direction.
  2. Study of the influence of the deflection of a water jet depending on the flow of a pump and the rotation direction.
  3. Comparison of the experimental deflection and the theoretical deflection of the jet for different rotation speeds.
  4. Comparison of the experimental deflection and the theoretical deflection of the jet for different water flow rates.
  5. Comparison of the experimental deflection of the jet for each rotation direction.



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