In a world where energy demand continues to rise and non-renewable resources are rapidly depleting, the need for sustainable, environmentally friendly solutions has never been more urgent. The circular economy and the use of organic biomass to produce biofuels are emerging as key answers to...
直接空气捕获 (DAC) 是一种创新技术,通过与液体溶剂或固体吸附剂的化学反应直接从空气中去除CO₂。尽管面临高成本和高能耗等挑战,DAC提供了一种减少大气中CO₂浓度并减缓气候变化的潜在解决方案。DAC的持续研究和开发对于提高其可行性和有效性至关重要。
Discover how our innovative and sustainable pilot plants can transform food production. Ensure quality, efficiency, and sustainability at every stage of the production process.
Food and water technology stands as a fundamental pillar in modern society, addressing crucial challenges and providing ingenious solutions. In this journey, we will unravel the mysteries of this multifaceted field, exploring its key areas of study, the significance of food and water engineering...
What do custom-made Pilot plants consist of?
The Pilot Plant is a small-scale processing plant designed to obtain information that can be used in industrial scale processes. It allows carrying out feasibility studies of designs and processes on an industrial scale, thus reducing the cost of the...