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One of the fundamental pillars of Mechatronic Engineering is automation. Automated systems enable the execution of repetitive and complex tasks with high precision and efficiency. In this context, Programmable Logic Controllers, also known as PLCs, play an essential role. These programmable devices can control machines and industrial processes, optimizing production and reducing human errors.
Servomotors are key components in Mechatronic Engineering. These high-precision motors allow for exact control of position and speed in automated systems. In assembly robotics, servomotors are essential for creating robotic arms capable of efficiently and accurately assembling products. Assembly robots are a reality in many industries, from automotive to electronics, revolutionizing manufacturing processes.
Assembly lines are an iconic example of how Mechatronic Engineering is transforming the industry. Automation in assembly lines enables mass and rapid production of products, improving efficiency and reducing labor costs. The interconnection of machines and systems through the Internet of Things (IoT) and the focus of Industry 4.0 allows centralized monitoring and control, optimizing the entire production process.
The term "compumechatronics" arises from the convergence of computing, mechanics, and electronics in Mechatronic Engineering. In the current era, compumechatronics has become a fundamental element in industrial automation. Programming and controlling mechatronic systems through advanced software have led to the creation of highly optimized processes and real-time data-driven decision-making.
Industry 4.0 represents a new era in industrial production, driven by connectivity and intelligent automation. The combination of technologies like IoT, Big Data, artificial intelligence, and cyber-physical systems is redefining the way factories and supply chains operate.
After many years of research and contact with professors and researchers, EDIBON has developed training and research equipment to assist in the learning process during the formative stage and to aid in research in this field.
For this reason, we offer training equipment that can be installed in laboratories, complementing theoretical studies to enhance learning and contribute to new lines of research.
Equipment like our Modular Regulation and Control System, Computer-Controlled "RYC/T", PANASONIC PLC Application "AE-PLC-PAN", SIEMENS PLC Application "AE-PLC-SIE", MITSUBISHI PLC Application "AE-PLC-MIT", OMRON PLC Application "AE-PLC-OMR", ALLEN BRADLEY PLC Application "AE-PLC-AB", or workstation applications such as a Parts Feeding Station "AE-PLC-APS" or flexible manufacturing systems with PLCs, among many others, aid in the learning process and in laboratories dedicated to research in all aspects related to mechatronic engineering.