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- 2.- 电子学
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- 5.- 能源
- 6.- 机电一体化与自动化
- 7.- 力学
- 8.- 流体力学
- 9.- 热力学与热工学
- 10.- 过程控制
- 11.- 化学工程
- 12.- 食品科技
- 13.- 环境
- 14.- 生物醫學工程
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Setting up at Universiteti i Tiranes

Very happy with Edibon's latest installation! This time, we have moved to the first University in Albania, Universiteti i Tiranes. Faqja Zyrtare, and worked side by side with the Natural Sciences Faculty to install some of our equipment, including: The Computer Controlled Solid-Liquid Extraction Unit, Isothermal Reactor with Stirrer, the Computer Controlled Pyrolysis Unit, the base-service unit, the Tabular Flow Reactor, the Computer Controlled Activated Sludge Process Unit, the Computer Controlled Biogas Process Unit, the Applications for Process Control and the Computer Controlled Liquid-Liquid Extraction Unit. It was a pleasure!
11.1.5.- 萃取
The Computer Controlled Solid-Liquid Extraction Unit, "UESLC", is a laboratory-scale unit designed for studying the separation of a soluble fraction from a solid with the help of a solvent in a continuous multistage and countercurrent way.The unit...
11.2.- 化学反应器
The Stirred Isothermal Reactor, "QRIA," designed by EDIBON, provides a controlled and uniform environment for carrying out chemical reactions. This reactor is essential for advancing knowledge in the fields of chemistry and process engineering,...
11.1.10.- 结晶和热解
Computer Controlled Pyrolysis Unit
The Computer Controlled Pyrolysis Unit, "EPIRC", has been designed by EDIBON to study the pyrolysis process by the chemical decomposition of organic matter and multiple materials, with different temperature ramp rates.It consists of two main...
11.2.- 化学反应器
The Tubular Flow Reactor, "QRFT," specifically designed by EDIBON, is intended for the kinetic study of liquid-liquid homogeneous reactions. This unit allows for a wide range of practices, including the determination of kinetic equations, the...
13.3.- 废水处理
The Computer Controlled Activated Sludge Process Unit, "PPFAC", has been designed to simulate theoperation of a wastewater treatment plant, breaking down water organic components with aerobicmicroorganism cultures (activated sludge).The unit is...
5.3.7.- 生物燃料
The Computer Controlled Biogas Process Unit, "EBGC", is supplied with two packed anaerobic digesters. In this way, the user can work either in only one stage or in two stages, separating the different phases of the digestion process (the processes...
10.3.- 工业应用和系统
The Applications for Process Control, "APC", designed by EDIBON, allows the student to design, assemble and configure various control systems, apart from studying the fundamentals of the control engineering on which they are based.These...
11.1.5.- 萃取
Computer Controlled Liquid-Liquid Extraction Unit
The Computer Controlled Liquid-Liquid Extraction Unit, "UELLC", is a laboratory scale unit designed to study the separation of the components of liquid mixtures by contact of the mixture with an immiscible solvent in which these components are...