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Setting up in Papua New Guinea

At EDIBON we have the pleasure of carrying out installations on all the continents of the world.On this occasion, we have traveled to Oceania to make an installation in Papua New Guinea.
There we have installed our Analysis of Three-phase Power Lines Application, (AEL-TI-01), our Distribution Transfomer with Motor Regulation Application (AEL-TI-02), Arc Suppression Coil Application (AEL-TI- 03), Underground Transmission Lines Application (AEL-TI-04), Parallel and Series Transmission Lines Application (AEL-TI-05), our Analysis of Power Flows in Transmission Lines Application (AET-TI-06) and our Power Transmission Application with Synchronous Generator (AEL-TI-07) in the department of electrical and communication engineering in Papua New Guinea University of Technology (PNGUOT)
Thanks for trusting us! We are sure that we will return to this continent soon to carry out new projects!
相關產品 电力传输
The Analysis of Three-phase Power Lines Application, "AEL-TI-01", includes a series of modules which allow the study of the most important characteristics of aerial lines.Among them we can find: the aerial line module, which is configurable with... 电力传输
The Distribution Transfomer with Motor Regulation Application, "AEL-TI-02", has been designed to study the distribution transformers and its importance in voltage regulation of the medium and low voltage stage of the electrical system. For that,... 电力传输
The Arc Suppression Coil Application, "AEL-TI- 03", has been designed by EDIBON to show the students how it is possible to neutralize an earth fault current with a Petersen Coil.For this purpose, this application includes a Petersen Coil module... 电力传输
The Underground Transmission Lines Application, "AEL-TI-04", has been designed to study the most important characteristics of underground transmission lines such as critical length, capacitive, characteristic impedance, energy losses, etc. Thus,... 电力传输
The Parallel and Series Transmission Lines Application, "AEL-TI-05", has been designed to study the parallel and series interconnection of transmission lines. The users will study the relation between these configurations and the implications of... 电力传输
The Analysis of Power Flows in Transmission Lines Application, "AET-TI-06", has been designed for the study of power flows in high voltage transmission lines via Phase Shifting Transformers (PST). For this purpose, this application includes a... 发电
Power Transmission Application with Synchronous Generator, "AEL-TI-07", has been designed to study power generation systems based onsynchronous generators. This application is designed to demonstrate the most important operations and maneuvers...