- 主页
- 产品
- 1.- 物理学
- 学术课程
- 2.- 电子学
- 3.- 通讯
- 4.- 电力
- 5.- 能源
- 6.- 机电一体化与自动化
- 7.- 力学
- 8.- 流体力学
- 9.- 热力学与热工学
- 10.- 过程控制
- 11.- 化学工程
- 12.- 食品科技
- 13.- 环境
- 14.- 生物醫學工程
- 实验室配件
- 定制试验工厂
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- 实验室
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Renewable energies in trend
Types of renewable energies:
Advantages of renewable energies:
Furthermore, renewable energy sources, unlike fossil fuels, are unlimited, their use is much safer for human health and they are much easier to dismantle, as they do not generate hazardous waste. Finally, renewable energies help countries to become energy self-sufficient, and therefore reduce their economic dependence on foreign countries and help their economic development since all countries have sources that can generate renewable energy.
One of the most important renewable energies is green hydrogen. You can learn more about this type of energy in our previous post.
EDIBON, thanks to its experience of more than 45 years in educational equipment, is firmly committed to the implementation of these forms of energy, as demonstrated by the more than 60 educational equipment that explains the fundamental theoretical principles, as well as the real operation, of all the renewable energy generation systems developed.
These include the EESFC, for photovoltaic solar energy, the EEST, for solar thermal energy, the AEL-WPTC for wind energy, the EOMC, for marine energy, the EG5C, for geothermal energy, the TPC or the TFC, for hydraulic energy, the EBDC or the EBMC, for biofuel synthesis.