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Setting up at Tennessee Tech University

We are pleased to announce our latest installation at Tennessee Tech University - Cookeville, TN (USA), specifically for the department of Chemical Engineering. There we installed our Computer Controlled Heat Exchangers Training System (TICC) with the accesories: TIUS, TITC, TIPL, TICT, TICF.
Also, we installed our expansion PLCHMI that is a system composed of an interface that includes PLC modules such as CPU, digital I/Omodule, analog I/O module, communications module, etc. and a control box with HMI display.
It has been a pleasure to be part of this project to help students and researchers to establish theoretical knowledge through practice.
9.7.- 换热器
Heat exchangers are widely used in refrigeration, air conditioning, heating, energy generation, chemical processing, etc. They have many applications in engineering and, as a consequence, there are many models adapted to each application to obtain...
The expansion for PLC and HMI, "PLCHMI", is a system composed of an interface that includes PLC modules such as CPU, digital I/O module, analog I/O module, communications module, etc. and a control box with HMI display (required elements (at least...
9.7.- 换热器
基本服务和基础模块(适用于所有 "TI" 类型的热交换器)
This unit is common for Heat Exchangers type "TI" and can work with one or several exchangers.This unit performs the following tasks:Heating water in a computer controlled thermostatic bath.Pumping the hot water.Regulation and measurement of the...
9.7.- 换热器
用于 TICC 的同心管热交换器
The Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger for TICC, "TITC", designed by EDIBON, allows for the study of heat transfer between two fluids: the hot water flowing through the inner tube and the cold water flowing through the annular zone between the inner...
9.7.- 换热器
用于 TICC 的板式热交换器
The Plate Heat Exchanger for TICC, "TIPL", designed by EDIBON, allows the study of heat transfer between hot and cold water flowing through alternate channels formed between parallel plates. This unit enables the analysis of how heat transfer...
9.7.- 换热器
用于 TICC 的壳管式热交换器
The Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger for TICC, "TICT", designed by EDIBON, provides a comprehensive environment for the study of heat transfer. It allows analysis of the overall energy balance, heat losses in parallel and counterflow configurations,...
9.7.- 换热器
用于 TICC 的交叉流热交换器
The Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger for TICC, "TICF", designed by EDIBON, provides an effective thermal research tool by enabling the study of heat transfer between two fluids in a cross-flow configuration. In this system, a stream of hot water from the...