In a world where climate change represents one of the greatest threats to our future, carbon dioxide (CO2) adsorption has become an urgent priority. The increasing concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere, primarily driven by human activities such as fossil fuel combustion and deforestation, has...
At EDIBON, we are committed to strengthening skills as a strategic pillar for the competitiveness and social well-being of the European Union. Proper training not only boosts the economy but also enables individuals to fully participate in society and democracy.
直接空气捕获 (DAC) 是一种创新技术,通过与液体溶剂或固体吸附剂的化学反应直接从空气中去除CO₂。尽管面临高成本和高能耗等挑战,DAC提供了一种减少大气中CO₂浓度并减缓气候变化的潜在解决方案。DAC的持续研究和开发对于提高其可行性和有效性至关重要。