PDS 沉淀池



The Sedimentation Tank, "PDS", is a teaching unit, designed by EDIBON, to demonstrate the sedimentation process and to familiarize with the settling principle of discrete particles settling into a tank.




The Sedimentation Tank, "PDS", is a teaching unit, designed by EDIBON, to demonstrate the sedimentation process and to familiarize with the settling principle of discrete particles settling into a tank. It will also allow to study the hydraulic characteristics of a rectangular sedimentation tank which works in continuous.

As it is a laboratory unit, it allows to obtain valid conclusions about its operation and to apply them to the operation of a real scale unit.

The great advantage the "PDS" unit is that its sedimentation tank is made of transparent material. So, this allows the student to understand the sedimentation principles. This fact allows to carry out several practices, as well as to make easier the comprehension of the different variables influence on the process.

The practical exercises start preparing a suspension in the suspension tank, placed at the unit lower part. A pump drives the suspension from the suspension tank to the sedimentation tank with a flow selected by using a regulation valve and measured by a flowmeter. This suspension is mixed with clean water at the sedimentation tank inlet. The clean water flow is controlled by a flowmeter by using its regulation valve.

Once the fluids are mixed, the current is passed into the sedimentation tank through the inlet weir. Here, the solids in suspension settle at the bottom.

The clarified water outlet is produced through the outlet weir at the tank outlet section. In this tank outlet section there is a flexible pipe on which the outlet clarified water quality can be analyzed.

The unit has a dye injection and tracer system, which allows to study the fluid current lines into the sedimentation tank.

It also has two adjustable in height baffle plates, which can be placed at any point of the tank length, what makes easier for the student the possibility of changing the flow lines direction and its study.

As support to carry out the practical exercises, the following accessories are supplied: two Imhoff cones and a graduated test tube of 1 l.



  1. Main elements of a system designed to separate solids in a sedimentation tank.
  2. Influence of the concentration of suspended solids on the separation process.
  3. Influence of the supply flow on the separation process.
  4. Influence of the position of baffle plates on the separation process.
  5. Determination of the surface hydraulic load for different concentration of solids in suspension.
  6. Research about the flow conditions, determination of flow short-circuits and dead spaces using an ink tracer.


    Comparison of real flow regimes with idealised flow models.



